Excerpt from the diary of a 5E voidship crewmember

My name is Teverin Meru. I'm the enginewrangler on the Silent Shout, one of the older guar-class voidships. She might not look much, but the old girl is a damned fine ship. This job is easy. We're supposed to deliver some kind of old crap from Way Back When for some nobles. Said it was very important that it be handled with care. A wedding gift, I think. That noblemer who gave us the job was a total prick. All nose in the air and that, but they're always like that when dealing with us. Anyway, then he said something about our spellmer, and followed that with saying it was a big shame he had to use a Mk.2 guar-class to deliver the crown or hat or whatever it is. Good thing Captain was there, or I would have socked him right in the teeth. I mean, I kind of understand the thing about our Ran, mer's weird even for a spellmer, but nobody talks shit about Silent Shout, not if they like having teeth and intact noses. I know my ship, I know how to make her purr, how to make her handle all that crazy shit our pilot keeps pulling without any complaining, how to keep her running when there's 'jiit pirates on board and all we have is fumes and prayers. The spellmer helped me give the engines a little extra boost, too, some special kind of spores that will work with the fungal interface and make it so I can have her run twice as fast on regular fuel if we need to shake off the Ordinators or anything. I should thank the spellmer again for that, really, damned useful and they've more than proven their worth when it comes to fixing bullet wounds, weaving new target missives into battlehornets and all that other magic stuff. They don't really hang out with the rest of us crewmembers, though, usually just sitting in their quarters meditating or something. Their name is Ran Vek, weird name but I guess it's a spellmer thing, they give you a new name or something.