A Void-Sailor's Primer: Ego-theology and Ship’s apologetics

That’s the real trick though, isn’t it? Logic is of no use whatsoever in ship’s apologetics, because the whole things is ludicrous. Convincing a ship that it can fly through the Void? Nonsense! And thus an ego-theologian needs to be…creative.

You see, the original Remanite voidships tried to use belief-engines (the ASSN or Auxiliary Semi-Shockpoint Nilgularity) as primary motivators, but they were far too Padomaic in exercise – the mathematics of Phynaster’s Inversion being what they are. Now the ASSN is a “last ditch” technology and newer ships don’t even have them. Hence the need for a stabilized energy source.

Ship’s egos are stored in morpholiths similar to soul gems, only massive: older ships have ‘liths the size of a child. By that point their Personality is set and things can get tricky, but also rewarding. A newer ego is malleable, true, but they all grow up eventually. In any case, the souls powering the ego provide energy for day-to-day needs: light, breathing-bubble enchantments, bindings for the atronach cannons etc. But it’s the ego itself, the Personality, and its symbiosis with the vessel that provides kinetic volition.

You’ve heard Nirnian sailors call a ship “her”, yes? Well with voidships its literally true – the ship’s ego is an actual Personality, maybe even a Being on some difficult-to-explain ontological level. Its subject to emotions like joy, anger, hope, and doubt. It’s this last that is the worst: an ego that has “lost faith” will no longer believe in its ability to propel itself through Oblivion, leaving the crew to the mercy of their ASSN – if they have one. It’s the ego-theologian’s job to maintain her Belief and get everyone home safely. It can be very tricky – the older a ship gets the more resistant it becomes; some have to be put down.

I find the best way is by convincing the ego to focus on something other than Belief and Doubt; dichotomistic thinking is the quickest way to instill a crisis of faith. A few years ago I served on a ship doing runs out near Window’s Edge, on the horizon of The Dark – not a job I’d wish on anyone. This band of Khajiit pirates had severely damaged the ship and the ego just gave up: complete loss of Belief. It took me thirty-six hours to convince her how lovely it would be to feel the light of Magnus again; she’d always been a bit indulgent and enjoyed a slow drift in the Light. Eventually she decided it was better to just get on with it and get back to a nice comfy dock on Masser. She still there, basking in the Light.

Nowadays you’re seeing Void Captains relying on mana-sails, some sort of re-imagining of the old Battlespire technology. Requires a specialized conjuror or mystic; I don’t understand any of it. And so just like the ASSN, the ego is being replaced. A damned shame really, I’ve met some wonderful girls on my journey. They have some great stories to tell.