Memories of Lyg

Translated by the University of Gwylim - 2E 802

*This text was recovered circa 2E 725, in a Nedic ruin north of the Elinhir Farmlands. Note that this translation is written in past tense, although the Ehlnofex dialect it was translated from has no such thing as a "past tense".

The We ('Aiai') have (arrived, descended, stranded) here. Therefore (We, I) (can, will) write this ('Denaia' - unknown word), in (memory, recollection, water-thought) of the Old Home. It (was, will be) the Home of (all, many) the Great Shine's ('Silia-Ele') (followers, pursuers, devotees). It was (his, her, its) (realm, planet) and it (was, is) the Adjacent(?) (place, region). There (We, I) bathed in Soul-Light and ('Reevecyrialor' - Unknown word). There (We, I) (made, lay, copulated) (in, with) great bowels. (We, I) gave (birth, shape) to (many, all) new Gods ('Bisada'). (We, I) (did not participate in, denied) Creation(?), (but, instead, preferably) watched from (afar, not-there). There (our, my) (sibling, relative) Mehrunes the Razor was (born, created) (under, behind) the Eye of the Shining (leader, prophet). However, (He, She, It) (went, walked, flew) to (join, enter, taste) the Great Darkness ('Loria-El'). Lyg had no (boundaries, walls, skin) and (many, all) ('Get' - unknown word) (escaped, were set free, Became). For in Lyg royalty ('CHIM') (was, is) (possible, obvious, real), and (many, all) (strived, journied) to (acheive, heighten) it. (Many, All) (went, walked) beyond the Dream ('Ama-Ranthia') and (were, are, will) never be (seen, heard touched, noticed) again.

(Our, My) numbers (dwindled, sank) and when the Bright God no longer (had, has, will have) the (power, control, focus) to (sustain, keep) the (pocket, finger) of the Arena ('Nirn') (I, we) (fled, left, abandoned) Lyg. For ('Magick-Nuus' - Unknown word or name) had (been, is, will be) (weakened, defeated, banished) and the Arena ('Nirn') (was, is, will be) (soon to be, nearly was, is almost) (completed, born). (We, I) pierced the (Veil, layer) between (existences, dream-children) and (were, are, will be) (lost, gone, invisible). (But, Instead, Preferably) (We, I) (have, are, will be) (summoned, activated), and (we, I) will (reclaim, be-again) (our, my) Home of Light ('Hame-Alata').