An Argonian who travelled to think on his own mind and find the dance in his heart

Dear fellow Saxhleel, I left a while ago to seeking answers in the world which are exclusive of the mind of the Hist. Don't be bothered, I will not come back now, may you see this like you want, I shall not be angry at you as I am at me. You gave me, Trying-to-contemplate, a warm feeling and tried hard to give me a home here, incorporated my Lukiul-spirit again into the heist. I am thankful for your effort, but I came to terms with myself and explored deep in me the feeling to find what I seek in my soul only. So, I had to leave and if I am not capable anymore to touch you in your minds as I suppose, I sent you this letter. So, you will always know where I am now to find and that I am alright.

I walked the lands, starting with the rotten country of our old fiends. Meditation begun there. I philosophicated over the triumph to escape their claws, finally free, and yet able to see what we have done by paying back the pain. That they were already hurt to death before. What is a folk without their belief, their home or their honor. Was it right to pay the blood back in blood? I moved on, my scales wet of my tears. Dark ashes followed me, trying to find a new purpose.

The rim of the world, the hard winters used to sharpened these minds of cold soldiers. But now they are more devided than before the arrival of a so-called dragonborn. Do heroes really heal all wounds, do they always change bad to good and drawing back the wheel of time? Isn't it more so that the past hounted them to let them realize what is important? But the conflict is going on. I show them the scales of my back, moving with desillusionated comrades.

The harsh west is debating again over freedom and for them that is independece from each other. I secluded myself from my folk, but isn't rivality another syndrom of fear to fail? Even in peace no one sleeps silent. They will come with me to find peace in theirselves to finally get real sleep. Along with them coming tortured souls of an abondand god, risking their live in bitting the dust, only to get rewarded for a loss and a revenge, which should not be a part to live. Life don't mean do be depended of ending others.

The heat of fights trumbles in my unseen ears. Duells to be prepared for the fight itself, to be able to defend. A honorable view, but what might that be without feeling the peace after actually defending ourselves? Only left with the question what you were fighting for. Yourself? Your country, your culture? Or because you just have to? While the fights limitates the legions in cacophony, our group grows stronger in peacefulness.

The lonely heart of an empire. I seek no anger here, the madness were already here. The desillusion almost completed. What is an kingdom without faith in itself? If your loyality is to the crown and that is broken, what is loyality good for if she is blind. We have no final goal, we just want find ourselves to be at home in our mind. We can't help anyone if we can't help us.

Lost Isles on far shores. Arrogance is bliss there at time. History made their hearts bitter and the only solution find is the sharp blade and will again. The folk is arising, the heist within, but is it the same for the individuum? What are your own morals, if they just mean to repair the world or destroy it? Just to realize it is both and nothing at the same time. Time flows and changes, but she follows her river. Better to concentrate on the now instead of past and future.

Jungle again and the people remind me of mine. Living on their own forever, but trying to be part of the world. They want their own rules and yet don't want to be alone with their problems. They decided to stay in form, so they don't have do decide anymore. Is culture what you are? What defines you as you? Or again trying to belief that you are the same?

Warm sand and I came almost back to home. The whispers of my kin are long gone. I could come back, of course. But changed anything in the meanwhile? I doubt this and in contrary I see no doubt in my fellowship. Doubt is what we have left behind. There is fear, but also curiousity and love for what is coming. This country is broken as the others, while it was always stable in their hearts. You can't break what is already broken and fixed. And that every day. They dance and no one see it. But we do. They asked us to dance as well, invited us to end our journey for inner warmth. But I show my scales of denial and asked for a place to let us begin our journey. The one with many strands and streaks on his head nodded and smiled. 'These furless ones have understood the dance. Now dance with us.'

And that we did. Maybe is was our destiny to do so in Rimmen, where it matters more as anywhere else. Our hearts are at home. And in time, our home will be in our hearts. If you are able to end thinking, you may be able to dance as well.

  • Your Who-dances