Towns and Cities of High Rock

By Anthien Beldarne, 2E 815

The province of High Rock contains many towns and cities, all of which have interestinh histories. Many of High Rock's cites date back to the early First Era. I hope that this book may enlighten many Bretons about their proud history.


Altmeri texts dating back to the late Merethic Era mention a "realm of Daenia" situated in southern Glenumbria. Even though it is commonly referred to in ancient Direnni texts the region does not seem to have had a particularly large Direnni presence. The largest city in the region is Daggerfall. The city is beleived to have been built by the Nords invading Altbal (as the Elves called High Rock) around 1E 50. Daggerfall was at the time inhabited by a couple hundred people. The city soon grew quite powerful, and even when the Ayleids colonized the region Daggerfall was largely independent. The Nords and Nedes of Daggerfall reproduced with the Ayleids, mainly those of Siluum. After many generations a new race of Man appeared, which the Ayleids named "Beratumer" or "Half-Folk". The first Bretons were most likely from Daggerfall, although other Bretonic peoples may have emerged at the same time elsewhere. With the decline of Ayleid power Daggerfall soon grew into an independent kingdom, although after the War of Succession in 1E 400 the city came under the control of clan Direnni. The king of Daggefall, also known as the Dragon of High Rock, and his Knights of the Dragon were directly controlled from Adamantia. So it remained until after the Battle of Glenumbria Moors for Daggerfall to become independent, as although the Direnni defeated the Alessians in the battle their control of the region was geatly weakened. The Kingdom of Daggerfall has since been ruled by the noble House Deleyn, which justly and fairly rules the realm. Daggerfall is also where the both Daggerfall Covenats were signed, which Daggerfall was a proud member of.

One plece in Daenia that should not go unmentioned, however, is the Beldama Wyrd Tree. Its origins are very mysterious, but both the Ayleids and Altmer are said to have shown great respect for it. The Beldama Wyresses are the Tree's guardians, and they are just as mysterious as the Tree itself. What is known is that they are longstanding enemies of the Reachclans and practise both magick of Nature and Oblivion.

The Camray Hills

Camlorn is the Camray Hills' largest city. The Nords are who founded it, but Bretons soon became the most prominent race in Camlorn. It was founded at the beginning of this era and very quickly outgrew the much older town of Aldcroft. 2E 302 Camlorn became an independent kingdom. In 2E 541 Camlorn was racked by the Reachman horde of Durcorach the Black Drake. After the Reach warlord was defeated Camlorn signed the first Daggerfall Covenant together with Shornhelm, Evermore, Daggefall and Wayrest. It has since been a duchy of Glenumbra. In 2E 582 the city was captured by the Bloodthorn Reachcult, but was soon liberated by soldiers from Daggefall.

Aldcroft is the region's second largest settlement, and it is still the center of Glenumbra's trade with Wayrest. The town was founded by the Direnni around 1E 400, under the name of Ald-Carac. After the battle of Glenumbria Moors Bretons came in control of the town and renamed it Aldcroft. 2E 302 it became part of the Kingdom of Camlorn, but it became independent again when the first Daggerfall Covenant was signed in 2E 543, which Aldcroft was part of. It has kept it's good realation with Camlorn, however.

King's Guard

The region's only larger settlement is Crosswych. It is unknown when it was built, but it was likely built by Bretons, and the location was likely chosen due to the close proximity to the royal cemetery of Cath Bedraud. It guards the passage into Stormhaven, and it's mayors have always been very keen on knowing exactly who and what passes through it. Historically Crosswych has had problems with bandit gangs, although there have been no reports of any recent incidents.


The duchy of Alcaire is ruled from Alcaire Castle. Alcaire is to have been founded by the Direnni under the name of Altcarie around 1E 470, although sources conflict on this matter. The Bretons took control of the city almost directly after it was founded, according to some sources. The Duke of Alcaire is guarded by the Knighs of the Flame, who themselves have their base in Firebrand Keep. Firebrand Keep guards the gate into Wrothgar, and protects both sides of the Gate from eachother.

Koeglin Village is a small port town in southern Alcaire. It was founded around 1E 200, and trades extensively with both Balfiera and Sentinel. It is ruled by a mayor, who notably often is an Altmer.


Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay, is Menevia's largest city. It was founded sometime around 1E 800 by Bretons, and has grown into one of (if not the) greatest city of the Iliac Bay. It is rivaled only by Daggerfall and Sentinel. It has always been Daggerfall's greatest rival, and they have both been the main trading cities of the Bay on many occasions. In 2E 541 Durcorach the Black Drake beseiged Wayrest for two months, before King Emeric defeated the Reachmen. After Wayrest became the capital of the first Daggerfall Covenant, every pricess in High Rock wanted to become the consort of High King Emeric. When Emeric decided to marry Princess Maraya of Sentinel instead of Princess Rayelle of Shornhelm it enraged Rayelle's father Ranser, who marched on Wayrest. Whith the help of the Wrothgarian Orcs, Ranser was driven back and defeated by the now-called Traitor's Tor in Rivenspire. This also led to the Wrothgarian Orcs' inclusion in the Second Daggerfall Covenant. Even after the fall of the Covenant, Wayrest remained the main political force in High Rock.

Menevia is filled with many smaller settlements, but almost all are too small to be mentioned here. Pariah Abbey in northern Menevia, is interesting though. It is a temple devoted to Azura, but Wayrest has never attempted to cease the Daedra worship of the Abbey, the reason for this is unknown.


The only larger settlement is Gavaudon is Wind Keep. Which has been there for longer than anyone can remember. It has lost much of its influence over the years, and it's mayors have been working hard to make sure it returns to it's former glory.

Shinji's Scarp is a smaller settlement in Gavaudon, it mainly works as a military encampment and has been used by a variety of armies.


Evermore is Mournoth's largest city, and it has been since its founding by both Orcs and Bretons in 1E 983. Many ships leave Evermore's harbour, which is what has caused Evermore to become a major player in the battle for supremacy in the Iliac. The ruling King of Evermore claims to be related to High King Emeric himself, although it has proven difficult to prove those claims. Evermore has long fought with the Redguards of southern Bangkorai over control of Bangkorai Garrison, which ironically was built to mark the border between High Rock and Hammerfell. It was like so many other High Rock cities sacked by Durorach the Black Drake before joining the first Daggerfall Covenant. The city has a long history of confict with the Reach, and Evermore has both lost and won many times.

Murcien's Hamlet claims to be independent from Evermore, something that Evermore most certanly does not agree on.


Ephesus has switched hands many times throughout history. Bangkorai Garrison was built by Evermore's Bretons to mark the border between Hammerfell and High Rock. But the Redguards did not agree with the border made by the Bretons, and it is still fought over by the two sides.

Eyebright Feld

In Eyebright Feld lies Shornhelm, from where the Queen of Shornhelm rules all of Rivenspire. The throne of Shornhelm is, and has seemingly always, been fought over by the three noble Houses of Dorell, Tamrith and Montclair. A fourth House, Ravenwatch, works within Rivenspire; but it has never held the crown. During the time of the Daggerfall Covenant, House Montclair almost entirely died out, after dabbling with dark Ayleid Magicks. But the House has largely recovered, although it is nowhere near as poweful as it once was.

Moira's Hope also lies Eyebright Feld, but it is a small settlement with a weak mayor by the name of Marcrier Balfont, who dares not do what is nessecary for the town's inhabitants.

Westmark Moor

The towns of Fell's Run and Hoarfrost Downs both lie in this region. They are both rather young, founded in the early Second Era. Their mayors work closely together to bring their towns to new heights, but all of thir attempts have failed. Many of Rivenspire's noble families live near these towns.

Many old ruins dot the landscape of Westmark Moor, mainly those of the Ayleids and early Bretons.


Northpoint, home of House Dorell, is the largest city of Boralis. It was founded around 1E 940. From here the Dorell family plot how to overthrow the ruling House Tamrith, although they would deny it if asked. Unlike many other Breton kingdoms Northpoint still trades extensively with the Orcs of Wrothgar. Northpoint also has one of the largest armies of any High Rock duchy.

Boralis is otherwise mainly filled with old Ayleid ruins, Erokii being the most prominent. In 2E 582 House Montclair dabbled with many of the magical artifacts of Boralis left behind by the Ayleids, although they were stopped by the other houses before they could cause too much damage.

I do not include Wrothgar in this guide, as there are still conflicts about if Wrothgar really belongs to High Rock or not, even among us Bretons.