Guide to the Karth River

By Flavius Veren - 4E 32

The Karth River has always been very important. Many cultures have throughout history built settlements along it. Not only does the Karth provide fresh water, but it has also been used to ship goods along. The extensive trade between Karthwasten and Solitude that we see today would be impossible without the Karth. In this book, I will guide you in how to travel from the River's beginning in Belkarth Lake to it's end in the Sea of Ghosts.

The Karth River begins in the mountains of southern Craglorn. Rainwater from the mountains flow down into the Belkarth Lake. It is from here the inhabitants of the old Ra Gada town of Belkarth get most of their water from. The Star Gazers of Craglorn are said to be able to predict coming events by looking at the Stars' reflections in the Lake's water. Some of the water in the lake runs onward to the north, through Belkarth. The river flows by many smaller settlements, aswell as a few Ayleid shrines, before reaching the Spellscar Lake, named after the great so-called "Lyg-Stone" that crashed into Craglorn during the Second Era. The river then continues to the north, soon reaching the newly-built Orsinium. The Orcs there might be reluctant to let you pass through their city, but even they know the value of gold. If you are unable to pay you might find yourself working for passage through to the other side of the city. If you are traveling by boat, then know that passing trough Orsinium will be difficult, but far from impossible. If you find the task too daunting I'm sure that you'll find some friendly Orcs who will carry smaller boats for you, for a bit of gold of course. Orsinium is also the perfect place to stop for a rest. You will son find yourself passing the northern gates of Orsinium and passing the Skyrim border. You will want to avoid rowing down the Dragontail Mountains, as you will encounter more than a few waterfalls (if you are rowing, then make sure to have a few of the aforementioned Orcs with you).

When you have gotten yourself down the mountainside and once again located the Karth River you should hopefully be somewhere between Fort Sungard and the inn of Old Hroldan. You should traven northwest, until you reach Old Hroldan, where you can stop to sleep. You should continue along the Karth west. When the Karth bifurcates you should take the western distributary, as the eastern distributary might lead you straight into a Reachman ambush. You will pass the ancient Akaviri temple of Sky Haven, aswell as the previously Reachclan settlement of Kolskeggr. You should follow the River north, you will eventually reach Karthwasten (also a previously Reachclan settlement), where I can suggest you rest. When you feel ready to continue, keep following the River north. When the River once again bifurcates, follow the eastern distibutary. When you pass the old town of Dragon Bridge (recognizeable by the bridge decorated with a giant Dragon skull made of stone going over the Karth) you are near Solitude. You can stop at Dragon Bridge, or continue straight towards Solitude. Solitude lies only a day's ride from Dragon Bridge, so worry not about the distance. Once you have reached the Nord capital of Solitude you have also reached the end of the Karth River, there you should buy some stong Nord ale and pat yourself on the shoulder for your accomplishment.

Note that I shall not let myself be held responsible for any accidents that occur to those using this book as a guide when traveling along the Karth, period.