Racial Variations in Torture and Interrogation: Orcs

Gather round, you squawling brats. Listen well to these lessons, taught from the war-song of the great warrior Gorrock, lest you repeat his mistakes. Hey, you in the back! Put her down! Do I need to break your arms!?

As the light of the First Empire vanished from the land and its people fell once more into glorious conflict,
There was one warrior who stood above all the rest,
Gorrock, Brave, Proud, Bloodthirsty Gorrock, Champion of His people.

As the lands of Man and Mer and Beast descended into chaos,
He kept His people safe from harm, hidden in their secret settlements high in the mountains,
And Gorrock, Cunning Gorrock, He allowed no one to find them.

As the wars dragged on, the Orcs prepared for their own conflict,
They hammered and smelted, forging arms and armour for the battles ahead,
And Gorrock, Patient Gorrock, He waited for the right moment.

All at once, the mounts of Wrothgar split in twain,
Releasing the war-hungry Orcs upon the world,
And Gorrock, Wise and Powerful Gorrock, He was leading them.

And on that day, much blood did spill in the Arena,
Covering the ground, the trees, the cliffs, the sky,
And Gorrock, somber Gorrock, He paused to reflect.

And so the Orcs returned to their mountain homes,
Flush with victory, treasures, supplies from their conquests,
And Gorrock, Pondering Gorrock, He returned to his Hearth.

His wives tended His wounds, sang His praises,
His children begged to hear His stories, His lessons, His approval,
And Gorrock, Proud Gorrock, He was home.

And yet, within the rugged mountains of Wrothgar,
There stirred a darkness, seated deep within the heart of an Orc,
And Gorrock, Unbeatable Gorrock, it lusted for His doom.

This Orc, this Swine, this jealous Pig-Thing,
He was determined to rule, to control his people,
And he saw Gorrock, Trusting Gorrock, as an Adversary.

And so, when next the Orcs planned to move from their home among the peaks,
It is said one Orc in particular left before the rest, and made for Daggerfall,
And it was there he told the world of Gorrock, Fierce Gorrock.

And when the Orcs fell upon the world once again, with sword and shield and spiked helm,
This time, the world was ready, and turned back the host from the high mountains,
And Gorrock, Unshakeable Gorrock, He was clapped in irons and beaten, blamed for this most shameful defeat

The Orc conspirator and his clansmen,
Quickly seized this opportunity, killing and haranguing their way to the top
They questioned Gorrock, Immoveable Gorrock, for weeks.

”Where is your hoard of gold?!”
”Where are the spoils of your many conquests, the fruits of your labours?!”
But Gorrock, Proud Gorrock, He did not break.

He resisted their empty threats,
Their hollow tortures,
Their endless demands and ultimatums.

And yet, at the last, He faltered.

For before Him they brought his youngest daughter,
Barely of age and yet shouting defiance at every turn
And the promise was made,

”Twice unto her what is done unto you,”
They swore, the avarice ugly in their eyes,
”If you speak to us now, she goes free, as do the rest of your line.”

And Gorrock



Sniveling Gorrock

He saw His daughter’s fear,
Hidden beneath the bluster,
And made His decision.

So listen well, to the song of Gorrock
And take it as a cautionary tale
For though you may be strong of arm and stout of heart
Secure in your line and pure in your wisdom

Know that, just like Gorrock,

Gorrock, who was once the best of us

You too can become complacent
Can be undone by that most sinister of poisons
