Usefulness of the Azure Plasm

By Forgemaster Kzorvrakan, written at the behest of Valkynaz Lyranth

Every little last kynworm knows of the Azure Plasm, the Chaotic Criteria of Coldharbour. It is from that we and everything in this realm is made, even the Dark Lord himself. But very few of know of its uses and shapes outside of the liquid that reforms incompetent Mora. So the Valkynaz of the Citadel personally "asked" me to lecture you worthless Churls. While I personally beleive that such tasks are below a Markynaz of my rank, I won't criticize her. So without further useless blather, I will simply get to the point.

You've almost certanly seen the black rock that makes up most of the realm, unless you are one of the lucky Mazken who have wisely abandoned the Mad God and haven't wanted to set foot outside of the Caves of Seductive Bliss. This stone is generally called "Voidstone" by the Soul Shriven of this realm, and the higher ups haven't bothered to give it a proper name yet. It is partially made up of what is not-so creatively called "Voidsteel". It is some kind of magically enhanced solid Azure Plasm. It is what we let the Soul Shriven mine for us in the Mines of Eternal Despair, and what your own armour most likely is made out of. Some of my Mortal servants tell me that it is very similar in nature to the "Ebony" metal found on the Mortal plane, not that they are in any way reliable. Anyways, it is the metal that we work the most with here at the forge, and the Scamps always find creative ways of liquefying it. The armour that the Soul Shriven wear is usually made of regular solid Azure Plasm, and not the same material as the armour of the Kyn, unlike what some ungrateful Churls will tell you.

Many so-called "Plants" that were brought here from the Mundus have proven to be able to grow in the Azure Plasm. These plants are often called Void Blooms, or Night Trees (for the larger ones). They are quite useful when crafting clothes and wooden weapons, but I find it a pity that they have largely outrivaled the native Morilatta stalks here in the realm. Clothing made of the Void Cloth created from the Void Bloom is only to be worn by Kyn or other Mora. There have however been reports of Soul Shriven wearing such clothing, this clearly goes against the Seven-Hundred-and-One Edicts and the Soul Shriven in question have been accordingly punished. Loyal Soul Shriven are however often provided with Nightwood weapons when they have proven their loyalty to the Lord, aswell as a torture-less vacation in the Grotto of Depravity.

The Charcoal of Remorse, which is used to forge the Dark Anchors and armour for the Master's "Xivkyn" (although don't tell one I wrote that). It is formed when one combines Nightwood ash and enchanted Azure Plasm and then solidifies it. I shall remind you that armour made from the Charcoal of Remorse is to be worn by the Overkyn only, so don't try anything. The Scathe Rings always stand ready.

That is all the information that I shall give you for now, but I'll make sure that you know if you've done well in the forge. Now get to work, kynworms!