Remember Your Forebears - A Ra Gada Children's Story

Translated by Wlahaba al-Namha, scholar the No'Raqqi Sisterhood of Ra-Yoku'Iquizzi


Tyynde Yokudan,

Jhakhata Ghanzok'li, garb Akos Kasazan. Eh my bahre dre'zehka Netu Hu Maar'noi af phorth Orikalcc'Telan, a rakka demman helno Ulmorion El-Mafariin. Eh my waar lithi aam zo blaqqare zo ruma Orikalcc'Craqan. Jhakhata Ghanzok'li, Jhakhata Akos Kasaz.

Tyynde Yokudan,

Jhakhata Yaqqa-Afala, sep Samaran. Zqi my banna por'taan Aetherian ii Hnakka'kotha. Zqi my fanan gruu Sataklonikan tuqz yoqqa yiian. Ne ta drubla, tu udbla kenaa. Jhakhata Yaqqa-Afala, jhakhata Samara.

Tyynde Yokudan,

Jhakhata Ansei Hamaram, grozza Kaneshan. Eh my lipf nak he ehan muuk'zo noqk niilza Laksook Masaraman, Kanesh a Nini-Nasona millith. Eh my muuk'zo intimm gala Ahra'no Ghanan'jadan. Jhakhata Ansei Hamaram, jhakhata Kanesh.

Tyynde Yokudan,

Jhakhata Vashana'ji, hjaq Yathan. Zqi my seehe taqua galaiak kzaap Mala-Ghartoran dre zhalai muke if rax aj borriqi haera Kan'Bohka. Zqi my flyxe zpanni chko ztaki varai Maar'noi ruqqip helsar Sa-Mohkban. Jhakhata Vashana'ji, jhakhata Yath.

Tyynde Yokudan,

Jhakhata maar'bahr draqqai moks yoqqan yiian. Jhakhata hjam yiian, al-Yokuda.


Child of Yokuda,

Remember Ghanzok'li, the lion of Akos Kasaz. He who slew three hundred Lefthanded Elves at the gates of Orichalc Tower, and defeated their warlord Ulmorion El-Mafariin. He who was the very last to succumb to the power of the Orichalc Stone. Remember Ghanzok'Li, remember Akos Kasaz.

Child of Yokuda,

Remember Yaqqa-Afala, the snake of Samara. She who closed the Aetherial rift in Hnakka'kotha. She who drove back the cult of Sataklonik from our lands. Not by strength, but through cleverness. Remember Yaqqa-Afala, remember Samara.

Child of Yokuda,

Remember Ansei Hamaram, the bull of Kanesh. He who with his bare hands built the great bridge of Laksook Masaram between Kanesh and Bini-Nasona. He who built Emperor Ghanan'jad's personal ship. Remember Ansei Hamaram, remember Kanesh.

Child of Yokuda,

Remember Vashana'ji, the eagle of Yath. She who saw the invading fleet of the Mala-Ghartor clan three months before it landed on the shores near Kan'Bohka. She who put arrows in the throat of every elven warrior during the battle of Sa-Mokbha. Remember Vashana'ji, remember Yokuda.

Child of Yokuda,

Remember the long-dead heroes of our lost land. Remember our home, al-Yokuda.