Recorded Thoughts of Harmonic Auditor Razakngamz


I remember Dumac. I remember the half-orc. I remember how he spoke to King Falrakzuum in the Brass Steeple of Adzaamtul, I remember their voices. I remember Dumac's demand, I remember the rage of advisor Hzabth. I was there. I stood there, above the halls of Morkthamh, above the heads of my people. I remember what he held, the blood of He-Who-Is-Missing.


I remember when he left. I remember Dumac's foul words. I remember the Lkhanbthakzum. I remember the whispers of Falrakzuum, I remember. "We are to BECOME, but not this way, Auditor." is what he said to me, "not this way"...


To BE, or to NOT BE, that was the question we asked ourselves. We consulted with [NUMINIT], mistress of [NUMINIT]. We received advice, but not the advice we sought. The patience of Dumac was running out. Rkindaleft built the Dumkhazthum, to keep me alive, to keep us alive. It was [NUMINIT]'s plan, and it was the plan that we would follow. I was not afraid, I remember that.


They preformed dark surgery on my body, on my soul. I was to house not only myself, but them aswell. I took the burden of Rkindzapthuk'Zim upon me, and placed myself on the throne of Dumkhazchaz. When the great clock of Endusal struck zero, they were all gone. They were gone from me, gone from Nirn. I was alone, I WAS NOT. I alone remain, stuck forever. Seht spoke to me once, said that he could help. But he lied, as his kin has done countless of times before.