The Elder Wood: Prologue

Links: Prologue; Part 1; [Part 2] (

The Jills. They are said to be the female dragons. The Shards of Aka. The Spirits of Time. But, in truth, how would we ever know? Jills are but a fraction of the World Skin. No matter how one looks or conceives Jills, they are always part of something. Time, Aka, or The World Skin. And yet, when mortals think of themselves they imagine themselves untethered from any bonds, and free-willed. The focus of that sentence is the word imagine.

Many would say that Jills only have one purpose. To fix timelines. Many others would say they fix Time. Perhaps, to consider the answer to that question, we must look at the race of Jills from an entirely different view. Perhaps we must see them for what they are not, to truly understand what they are?

And yet, is everything not in place the moment something is conceived? Is the World Skin not a dome of light to protect us from the Dark? What are Jills but architects of that dome? The dome is perhaps the Skin, or maybe it is merely a part of the Skin. But before we answer that question, we must answer this:

What is the World Skin?

We riddle ourselves with our own unanswerable questions, and we fall deeper and deeper into the Rabbit Hole. As we fall, the truth, if we were to ever find it, gets more and more diluted by questions unanswerable. To perceive a world that is under the Dome of the World Skin, we must first picture it. But how can we, never being able to picture the World Skin itself?

The truth is, there is only one thing that matters in this universe. It is perhaps the only thing that anyone should ever truly believe in or have hope in, because it is the only thing that is there and will answer.

The Elder Wood.