The Elder Wood: Part 2

Links: Prologue; Part 1; [Part 2] (

--eeeeeeeeeere - Sorthund said. He looked over at the pointer, only to find that it had stopped.

What?” – He shouted – “But that’s not…”

Noooo… No no no no no NO!”

He ran over to the blueprints and began to collect them.

An image flashed in his mind. A heart being struck with a hammer and a blade, being held by a metallic glove.

“By the Krthundi! Kagrenac has used the tools!”

All of a sudden, Sorthund remembered an old relic he had found in the back of the room when he had first arrived. It seemed strange to him at first, but the compartment was hidden in a place where he had connected the newly-built steam piping with the pipes running under the fortress… Maybe someone had left it there… for him? The relic was an amulet the shape of an upside-down tringle, divided by two lines crossing diagonally. The lines were opaque, but the triangle was transparent. Sorthund had never dared to put it on, knowing the power of these kinds of amulets, but now, how could he not? It was a chance to survive what was now most likely inevitable…

Sorthund ran over to the two data crystals and picked them up. He had to get to Kagrenac… But maybe… Was it too late?

Sorthund dismissed the idea and cast a portal in the center of the room. As he stepped through, more and more images flashed through his mind, repeating over and over.

The Tools,

The Divines,

The Temple,

The Walk-Brass.

The Tools,

The Divines,

The Temple,

The Walk-Brass.

The Tools,

The Divines,

The Temple,

The Walk-Brass.