The Truth About Bosmer

The following is considered highly heretical by the bosmer, most copies of this book have been destroyed by any means possible. This book was found in a house in Firsthold.

Spinner Parvalion acknowledged my presence with a nod and a grunt.
“You have questions, I have answers.” He said simply.
“Are your-” He rudely cut me off before I could ask.
“You are not the first to question my antlers, yes, they are real, as real as your very face.”
“Okay. I am currently figuring your people out. I'm not sure if we really are cut from the same Gods.”
He laughed heartily and said something to his young male companion who departed from the house pod.
“You Altmer. Always high and mighty because you're from Summerset. We were from Summerset too, you know, but our tale differs because we were tricked. At least some of us were.”
“Mmmhmm. You see we were Aldmer that left Summerset to explore what was beyond. We ended up in Valenwood. Oh but it was wild, untamed, untouched by anyone yet. We were first you know, the Orismer will tell you different, but we were here first.”
“Right.” I wasn't sure if I could believe the old mer, but I waited and listened.

“The creatures here amazed us, and we were amazed and amused. How fun it could be if we could change our shape! We never said it aloud, but, there it was. Hircine heard our thoughts, and granted it, our price for ever changing forms was to never go back to our true Aldmer forms.”
“You're telling me, that your people made a deal with Hircine?”
“The terms have been lost, my guest, but yes, that was what I learned.”
Somehow, I always felt the short mer had made a pact with daedra.

“Ah but then Y’ffre found us. She made the proposal to override that which Hircine had given us. She gave our shape back, albeit smaller, she gifted us with our shape and our sense of self. The other bosmer may tell you that it's always been Y’ffre who made us as we are, but no, Hircine had a role too. When we invoke the Wild Hunt, it is so named because of us going back to our pact with Hircine. As Hircine has his own Wild Hunt, so, too, do we. And that, my guest, is the story of the bosmer that so few want you to hear.”
“Yes, well, thank you.”

Now I understood why he and his tribe lived in this part of Greenshade. Called heretics from other tribes about, this spinner and his tribe proved to be mad lunatics. I even believe they may follow Hircine! When I spoke of the spinner’s tale to other bosmer they told me that I'd been had. That it was a charlatan who told me a fable.

I will not be assuaged! This is the truth the bosmer don't want you know! This writer hopes you, dear reader, know the truth! The bosmer made a pact with daedra, they sold out their Aldmer forms!

NOTE: This theory is unsupported but came to mind from some theories about Y’ffre being Hircine.