Remanite Sermon from the Interregnum

[To High King Emeric,
2 Sun’s Dusk, 2E 590

Your Highness, what follows is our official report on the so-called “Vanishing Prophet”, as well as a complete transcript of his infamous sermon.

This “Prophet” is believed to be a Cyrodiilic, estimated to be in his mid-thirties. He preaches the exact same sermon (confirmed by over a dozen Daggers field-agents) at the many holy wayshrines throughout all of High Rock, traveling vast distances in-between. We have been aware of his presence for over 3 months now, and in that time he’s appeared erratically all over the map. We suspect several mages working with him to consistently supply portals. No immediate apprehension attempts have been made, as no opportunity has presented itself. When he concludes his sermon, he simply vanishes, to reappear hundreds of miles away in less than an hour. Sorcery of high standing is obviously involved. I’m officially requesting permission to reach out to the Mages Guild for consultation and possible field support.


Hear me, o people the Starry Heart! Hear me, Sons and Daughters of the Dragon! Look ye east, to the ancient seat of Reman and Al-Esh! Look to their Throne, now truly a Seat of Sundered Kings! Sat upon by mongrels and interlopers and vile daedra worshippers! The black Lords of Oblivion tear at the flesh of Nirn itself, with no one to bear the bulwark of the divine Covenant! Al-Esh weeps for this war-ravaged land! Reman looks away in disgust at the lives flung needlessly into the maw of mortal battles when the Wheel itself CRACKS, beneath our feet and above our very heads, plain for any with eyes to see it!

War rages across Tamriel for the Ruby Throne! The Heartland bleeds, and men champion petty kings and war-lords even as they spurn the Gods who made them! I say unto you, this world needs less champions and more piety! Does Stendarr not say, “Be KIND and GENEROUS to the people of Tamriel”?! Does Arkay not call us to HONOR the living and the dead? Does Mara not beseech us to live peacefully? Men pray to the Gods to save their souls before spitting upon the things They ask in return! I tell you, this War of Three Banners is wickedness! Akatosh-on-High anointed the Heartland, and only He may grant rulership of it!

Divine Reman, Light of Man, born bearing the Ruby of Kings upon his brow!! When the shepherdess retrieved him from the Hill That Was Al-Esh and placed the babe upon his throne, he shouted as a Man, saying “I AM CYRODIIL COME”, and it was so! It was his Light that united Man and repelled the Akaviri invasion! It was his glory that compelled the snake-men to their Blade-Surrender, to serve him and to become Men in vicar of His majesty!

Mighty Reman, Man-Made-Dragon by the King of Dragons! “Aad semblio ehlnokhan!” Though his mortal shell passed on, his soul was Divine and Draconic, and he ever-dwells close to the Heart of Nirn! From here he mourns the Starry Heart, calling for us to change our ways, to save ourselves from the Void! The Serpent looms in the heavens! Who will join their prayers for deliverance with my own? Who will stand opposed against the blood tide of humanity?

For when this world has been made worthy, Akatosh will bless the land once more and the Light of Man shall shine again! I KNOW this, for I have seen a vision of His coming, and I am bid to spread His word! In my dreams, a mighty warrior-king, radiant with light, appears before me. He is twin-headed; one bears the face of Reman, ancient yet mighty, looking sadly to the west. The other is a new Dragonborn, youth-radiant and crackling with thunder, smiling to the east. Around their necks shines the Amulet of the Kings of Glory, and in their hand they bear a mighty sword! They speak together with more voices than two, saying “I AM CYRODIIL COME”! Then a mighty serpent, as large as the God-Emperor and black as the Void, appears before me. Fear replaces reverence, night after night, as the serpent looms over me, prepared to strike! But a thunderous shout from the twin-headed King sends it crashing to the ground, where He smites its head with a mighty blow from his sword! When I awaken, His voice roars in my mind, telling me to spread His word, to stop this War of Three Banners and pave the way for His coming! I tell you, I have seen the coming of the One, and it is glorious to behold!

But we must make ourselves worthy! We must cast out the daedrophiles and the war-mongers! We must refuse to wage war for petty and false kings! We must strengthen our faith in the Gods! Heed the Commandments! Make ourselves glorious once more, and the King of Heaven will descend, undeniably anointed with the Red Diamond of Glory! Only then can peace return to all of Tamriel!