East-Reachian pantheon I made, feed-back wanted

^(Hopefully I formatted this right this time) When playing an East-Reachian (Specifically, a Reachian of Nordic descent) I wasn't really sure what my pantheon would look like so I just cobbled it together with what I knew, what I wanted, a kinda confused creation myth, and the odd pointer from Reachian/Forsworn conlangs I've stumbled across in my time. Special note to Hrafnir II as I'm using quite a few of his names for Reachian gods This was the resulting pantheon;

Lords of The Longhouse

  • Daighsenn - God of all in his domain, there is none greater than the dominant force, king of Old Home, planner of the new.

  • Dui Bla - Godess of passion and blood, head of the pantheon. It is often mistaken by outsiders that the painting of shrines with blood of enemies to be an insult, this is not the case.

  • Mailach - God of the loyal, guard of The Longhouse, king of peons and the spurned. Loyal through adversity, as all should be.

  • Maira - The only one to follow Daighsenn from The Broiling of Old Home. She is irreplaceable, Mother of Mothers, Matron of Matrons, True Head of House. Wife of Daighsenn. She had better things to do than build, so she did not participate.

  • Themach - Now dead. God of miracles, struck sideways in the Eretide Plannings, his corpse now walks the godways dealing in fake miracles so constantly as to become orderly. There is little more abhorrent than that thing.

Pillars of The Longhouse

  • Aca - Now dead. When Aca came upon the First Construction, built by Daighsenn and Mailach and Dui Bla, he thought it beautiful and came to aid them in any way he could. However the First Construction, as all know, was not stable and it fell upon and crushed Aca, forever trapping him. His death was the first, and gave us effect to our cause, and his screams we ride til he mutes them.

  • Joffer - Now dead. Joffer was second and multitude to give themself to the construction of The Longhouse, as they was plural and singular. When the home fell again in Second Construction, when aided by Magnos and Sheor and Druaga, Joffer held the burning roof up so that the others could escape. Their bones stand to this day, holding up the roof. Do not tamper with them.


  • Jos - Jos does not teach, nor guide, nor speak, as he no lips with which to articulate, or brain to plot, or legs to follow. Jos is the enforced order, and exists in singular multitude by leaping the screams of Aca with his million-million serpent tales, eater of Oddment.

  • Tagduvos - Never born. Tagduvos is a mighty geas woven upon The Longhouse after Second Construction. Should new foreign-thoughts enter, the Pillars become unstable, or Oddment become too common, Tagduvos will come in divinity to right them.

  • Jelde - God of life spans. Jelde is not bound by the wails of Aca, or the Blades of Sheor, or the Dominion of Daighsenn, Jelde is immutable to all except Maira. Some suggest that he is a continuation of Sheor's Blades, but none know for certain, all that is known is that Jelde was not planned. And for this reason many love and hate him.

Concept Gifters

  • Magnos - He did not assist in the Eretide Plannings, and only joined half-way through First Construction. Upon the deaths of Aca, and then Joffer, Magnos bereft with grief and paranoia left not only The Longhouse but Swebalos altogether. Magnos gifted magic, and a way to escape should the need arise.

  • Sheor-Rondach-ao-Ronna-de-Aca - or 'Sheor, adopted little bond-brother to Aca', who heard Aca's cries and came too late to aid him. And come Second Construction he aided in building the beauty his Leoma (radiant love?) sought. He gifted resolve as well as blades and spears to both support The Longhouse and turn away unwanted Foreign Thoughts.

  • Druaga - Druaga is the only accepted Foreign Thought. As she came upon Second Construction of The Longhouse with such passion, such fervor, that we were dashed upon the rocks and exiled from Dunlain. O Druaga worthy foe, we will come again, and again, and again, until Dunlain is ours again. Gifter of circles and flesh and west, may her name be damned.

  • Mannimarco - The newly old god. Mannimarco is largely seen as abhorrent to our kin, and by this we are confused. How do they expect honest council or wills to be given if they do not invoke the dead? If they are attacked by greater forces, why should they not raise the willing dead in defense? If I will to see The Muting, why can I not? Mannimarco gifted us the ultimate free-will; the rejection of death.


  • Glean - or 'Galen' as the Direnni-thrall call him. King of Men and Brood, it was Galen that lead us to beautiful Dunlain of old, and sheltered us from his cruel twin Blean (or Valen), and his cruel devils who turned the evergreen forests of Dunlain to sand by way of Joffer-Tampering. He is not a god, but walks among them for his deeds.

  • Faolan - or 'Red Eagle' as the Nords call him. It is said that upon the loss of Dunlain that the gods turned themselves from us in shame. It was Faolan who righted their view. He came like Tagduvos, repelled Druaga, bore the will of Joffer, showing such miraculous loyalty to the divine that both Mailach and corpse of Themach did rejoice and give blessing. He took then his foes and painted red in bloody reverence all mountains of The Reach in such a show of dominion that Daighsenn and Dui Bla did rejoice and give blessing. He took then his daughters and wives made them heads of house and church, and so too did Maira rejoice and give blessing. He sleeps now, so that he might grow into these blessings, he will return and gift us back Dunlain, cementing his place as God of Man.


  • Claiva - Godess of exchange, older sister to Hirsian. Claiva like all unaffiliated did not join in the planning or the building. She simply stood on the Swebalos and waited for it to be done, thus she is not foreign. Claiva is multifaced and quick to change form, and should be treated with respect but never trusted.

  • Hirsian - God of 'Life or Death?', little brother of Claiva. Hirsian like all unaffiliated did not join in the planning or the building. He simply stood on the Swebalos and waited for it to be done, thus he is not foreign. Hirsian is multifaced and quick to change form, and should be treated with respect but never trusted, for that reason we refute the Hags.

  • Bridea - Godess of 'what?' No one know what Bridea is god of, though she has spoken of it many times it never reaches our ears. She is daughter of Magnos who could not stand her father's grief and so came to the Swebalos. She is foreign, but we pity her.

  • Dagon - God of task completion. Dagon only resides within The Longhouse to complete a task by request of Aca. What that request is, is unknown, however his dedication to said task has gained him reverence. He is in no way foreign. The Oblivion Crisis is seen as a sad time where Dagon was finally going to complete his task, only to be stopped by a handful of idiots.

  • Duplicate Devil - A truly foreign thought. A devil king who claims to equates himself with Daighsenn. This thing has thrice and thrice heads, a body of contrasting color, and is of all sixteen genders. By grace of Themach's corpse a quarter of it has recently forsaken itself and taken its lands with it. It also owns a silver painted goat. This thing is abhorrent without question.