Artifacts of the Ayleid


Transcribed by Raelys the Signifier


An accounting of common artifacts found within Ayleid ruins, as well as limited history behind such relics. An invaluable asset to those seeking fortune in Cyrodiil's past.



Welkynd Stones


Aldmeris for 'Sky Child', Welkynd stones are luminous, blue crystals created by the ancient Ayleids. Enchanted and cut pieces of meteoric glass, they are one of the few known instances of Aetherial fragmentation. They were used as a means of storing magicka, and thus, have the capability to restore one's magick more quickly than any potion. When drained, the stones crumble to dust, though some stones whose magick as been slowly drained through lack of maintenance, may be found dead and lifeless within Ayleid ruins.


Great Welkynd Stones


Much larger than their smaller cousins, it's believed that Great Stones acted as the source of all magickal enchantments within an Ayleid city, including the maintenance of lesser stones, and as such, were often protected through any and all means of security. However, over time, many have been looted or destroyed in past conflict, leaving the majority of lesser stones within their ruins dull and lifeless.


Dark Welkynd Stones


Powerful means of security, these black crystals have been the end to many would-be-looters' tales through their powerful elemental spells. Due to many circumstances, these stones are not the most common means of Ayleid defense, and are often found within deeper, unexplored recesses of the Ayleid underground. Drained and empty stones may be found as well, having went long unmaintained by Great Welkynd.


Varla Stones


Aldmeris for 'Star Stone', Varla stones are similar to Welkynd, though glow brighter and with a white light. Their means of use is not to restore magicka, but as far as any scholar can surmise, is to enchant items. Stronger than any soul gem, they are extremely rare, and as such, extremely valuable. Empty Varla stones may be found, but are even rarer than those filled due to their seemingly superior ability to maintain their energy, and are perhaps the most sought-after Ayleid relics.


Natural Welkynd Crystal


While void of the Ayleid enchantments placed on stones, naturally occurring Welkynd Crystal veins can often be found in the rock nearby or within Ayleid ruins, and may be utilized by only the most skilled of blacksmiths in crafting light, easily enchantable armors and weapons.




Ayleid soul-mazes are ancient devices, the knowledge of which to utilize having long been lost. What is known is that they were capable of capturing Daedra within themselves, thus restricting them death and rebirth to the Waters. They have been known to come in a variety of shapes and sizes, though the most popular is that os an angular metal contraption with a lid, not unlike a common music box. While seeming similar to a soul gem, it functions far differently, and does not bind the Daedroth's soul. This may be due to many Ayleid's higher respect for Daedra, or the general use of Varla Stones in place of soul gems.


Eating Utensils


Plates, goblets, and bowls are among the most common antiques one might find within Ayleid ruins, and as such, are not worth nearly as much as other relics. However, they do come in a variety of styles and materials, each fetching differing interest on the market. These range from stone (unlike the material their ruins are constructed from), clay, glass, or even the extremely rare pieces crafted from Welkynd Crystal, likely held only by notable Ayleid lords.


Forks, spoons, and the like seem to have been rarely used in Ayleid culture, save for clay utensils by their vassals. They instead preferred the use of ringed talons that attached to the fingers, sharp enough to cut and stab their food, and curved enough to function as a spoon when necessary. This form of digit-talon would be applied prior to eating, and often replaced by afterward for the popular stylistic talons part of Ayleid fashion in many city-states.


Vases and Urns


Ayleid vases were of varying material, including clay, stone, glass, and Welkynd, and may now be found throughout their ruins and held by antique-appreciative citizens of the Empire. Those in ruins may often be found along with ancient, rare plants still within them, suspended by Ayleid magicks. While they did not cremate their dead, it was not uncommon for Ayleid masters to have their favorite or most dedicated slaves cremated and vased; a sign of respect to some of their vassals, a means to enchain them even after death to others.


Ayleid Coins


Early-Age coins were often constructed with the same stone material their ruins are built of, however, the far more common coin is that of the Late-Age, being constructed out of extraordinarily bright and reflective material. Such currency is thought to have been recognized only by higher castes of Ayleid society, the lower being known to rely upon common trade.


Welkynd Lanterns


Small, handled lanterns with blue-glowing Welkynd stones within. Softer than a torch, the stone within may likely have been imbued with further magicka in times past, as they glow brighter than the stationary Welkynd one is likely to find within the ruins of the Ayleid.


Flesh-Sculpting Flenser


Tools utilizes in perfection of Ayleid flesh-sculptures, the flenser would strip the skin of instrument-vassals into forms through which different magic-sound may be amplified and joined in torturous melody.


Alchemical Equipment


While not unlike current techniques, Ayleid equipment seems to have been specifically crafted with their famed Alteration mages in mind. It's likely alchemical work was done by these mages, who would have utilized such magickal arts as telekinesis and levitation to work on many creations at once.


Ayleid Idols


Religious sculptures of the Edeis (Ancestors; of which White-Gold held Ten) and the Adais (Deities, referring to patron saints and other various revered figures outside of the White-Gold pantheon).


Welkynd Keys


Enchanted keys fashioned from Welkynd Crystal, no manual use is necessary, as their bound doors will open merely by will of the wielder.


White-Gold Compass


An ancient egg-shaped compass always pointing toward the Temple of the Ancestors, the enchantment on many having either long been worn-off, or broken at some point after the fall of the Elves.


Ayleid Armor and Clothing


While rare, the majority of Ayleid clothing and armor imply that feathers were a popular material, possibly being of far greater importance than stylistic. These seem to have been centric to their society, their location and design being indicative of things from social and economic status to how many children one had to what their occupation and role in Ayleid society was. Not only would feathers be included on armor and clothing, but many embraced body modifications in imbuing feathers into themselves, or going so far as to alter their bone structure to allow them more bird-like features such as digitigrade feet. Many clothing pieces would be asymmetrical and incorporate amber glass, feathers, and silk robes; often leaving sections of skin exposed and adoring feathered headdresses, understandable considering the sub-tropical nature of Ald Cyrod. Stylistic ringed talons worn on the fingers was also a regular addition to Ayleid fashion, no doubt designed after the birds they seemed so greatly inspired by.


Ayleid male clothing was often indistinguishable from female, as they were not a people concerned with gender and sex, in fact, the only evidence of any social divide between male and female in their society was in the majority men claiming the title of Sorcerer-King and the exclusive choosing of women as Vicars in many city-states, likely due to their adoration of Merid-Nunda, who they depicted as female. Livery of such Vicars, the highest priests of most city-states, would be decorated in an overbearing of feathers upon silk robes, designed as such to remove them from the outward appearance of mortals.