The Imperial City, the Oghma Infinitum, and the Mundus

This is probably going to be little more than a bit of rambling, but I want to see if I can make some sense of what I can glean from the similarities and differences between the two.

First, the obvious similarities. Each of them has a central structure (White-Gold Tower in the case of the Imperial City), several interior circular structures (the statue in Talos Plaza, The Temple of the One, the Arboretum, and The Arena), and three larger external structures (The Mages' Guild, The Imperial Prison...), one of which has a half-circle structure associated with a smaller inner structure (... and The Waterfront).

Then there are the differences. The Imperial City appears to have eight structures, while the Infinitum seems to have nine or ten, depending on whether or not you count the central circle as a structure. Second, while the Imperial City is clearly laid out as a circle, the Infinitum is laid out as a spiral. And I'm not sure if the orientation of the crescent in one of the three external structures is important or not, but the Waterfront's is concave relative to the central structure, while the Infinitum's is convex.

Notes from here on are about the diagram on the first page of the Oghma Infinitum.

One thing I note is the fact that the half-circle structure looks like a crescent moon, and that there is a second, smaller crescent moon like structure inside the central structure. Both seem to be associated with the large black dot, with one appearing to orbit it, the other seeming linked to it via a spoke of sorts. So we have two moons associated with a third circular element; may I propose that this circular element is Nirn, with its two moons, Masser and Secunda? I further propose that the fact that this large dot is linked to an external structure suggests the Khajit method of escaping Nirn, and quite possibly the Mundus entirely: tower to the moon... by which I mean the external one.

The inner structures hav circles around them, which I suspect represent orbits (I am considering, at this point, this diagram to represent the god-planets), though I have no idea what could be orbiting them, and also note that they do not correspond to the Dwemer Orrery (which have some of the planets orbiting other planets). But in order from the center (which I suppose I can count, making it ten elements), we have a small one with one orbit, a similarly sized off-center one with two orbits, a larger, hollow off-center one with one orbit (which seems to be associated with one of the external structures), a small very off-center one with four orbits, and a huge solid one (the one I'm calling Nirn) with a small hollow one marked with a moon symbol orbiting it (which I am calling Secunda). A total of five or six inner elements, which corresponds to nothing I'm aware of.

One last thing I just noticed: If you count both circles and orbits, there are either fifteen or sixteen such elements in the inner system: fifteen if you don't count the central circle, sixteen if you do. Fifteen and One, the number of Golden Tones by which the Dwemer apparently swore.

Back to similarities between the City and the Diagram. The outer half-circle element, if I identify the large dot correctly, would appear to be an exit from the central structure for anyone living on that dot (Nirn), just as the Harbor serves as an exit from the Imperial City. A second external structure is linked to the central structure, which I associate with the Mages' Guild. A third structure is NOT directly linked to the central structure, which I associate with the Prison, a place in which undesirables can be isolated from society.

I think that's all I can come up with for now. I don't have any central point, just a set of observations that might be combined with other observations to figure some stuff out.