A Display of the Magne-Ge Pantheon

Okie dokie. Deep breaths.

So, the Magne-Ge Pantheon, that mysterious obscure text by Michael Kirkbride that makes little sense when looking at it; what's that about?

Well, let's find out.

This particular part of this one ancient TESlore post tugged me in a special direction. The Magne-Ge pantheon is divided into five sections: C, M, Y, K, and Blend. This corresponds with the Cyan Magenta, Yellow, and blacK subtractive color wheel. The blends would be the in-betweens of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, respectively.

This got my mind all abuzz. What if you fit the Magne-Ge into the CMYK color wheel?

Well I did. It's right here.

An explanation for why I put what where:

First on the lists of the C, M, Y, Ks were Bare-Bone, Merid, Mnumbrial, and Thermallélé. Merid was a no-brainer for importance (Merid-Nunda or Meridia); Mnumbrial was once the mightiest of the spirits, Bare-Bone held great importance to Merid, and Thermallélé was somehow at one point under every other sign (and all the colors combined make black).

With the other Cs: Nil-Bright watches over the borders of Y (obviously). Pigmius once held the border of the blackblock, and Wode-Rub is near the doom of new ideas (everyone else fit and there was really only one other place to put wode so near the blue blend he went).

The Ms: Leλ tried to stop the War of C and M, so I put him close to C, Phophec only armed himself once during the Y blur, so I put that one near Y, and Caller has a rivalry with Mnender-Foil (and I'll explain that one right now)

The Ys: Mnender-Foil the AMAZING is the progeny of Mnumbrial, so I put him right under his mother (and being a rival is why I put Caller under Merid), Scarab-Framer's close relation to Merid puts him close to the Ms, and Threadwights relation to how they react with green fields puts him near the green blend.

The Ks: AgNil-Bright is related to Nil-Bright (gotta keep them close), Clan Box was jester to Merid (keep them close too), and Mnethm, much like Wode-Rub, only had one other place to go.

Now for the Blends. Ohhh, the Blends. Scintil was messenger to Merid, so of course she'd be close to Merid; Daubella is more a concept than a color (and green has a very close relationship to a certain non-color called pink); Caker King was once mighty and red is oft associated with might and power; and Swath, the blend spirit that is "[the] hallucinogenic admixture of sensations found in the esoteric realm of synesthesia", is between all the colors. All of them.

Here is a crappy mspaint chart noting connections between the Magne-Ge. I'm sure it'd look cooler with more time devoted to it and higher quality software.

I am not sure where I am going with this. I am never sure where I am going with anything, but there's something here, I'm sure of it.

Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

[[Edit to change file hosts]]

[[Edit 2: I only included the ones listed under the c, m, y, k, and blend classifications. There are others mentioned but not listed. They probably have a place somewhere (like nana-null and those types), but I gotta look for em first]]