Why We Praise the Light!

Why We Praise the Light!

A Seminar by Bishop Maximillius Aelius

Greetings, Initiates! By the grace of the Divines, you have been called to this sacred College to learn the righteous and rigorous ways of the Priesthood of the Imperial Cult! You will learn many things in your path to becoming a Shepherd of souls and servant of the Divines. You will study the Covenants, learn to interpret the Commandments and instill the virtues of the Divines in the hearts of your congregation. Theology and faith will be the source of your ability to serve. However, more is expected of a priest than prayers and sermons. Your congregation will look to you in their darkest times, to heal their sick and wounded, or to protect them in times of strife. In essence, magery will be expected of you. Magic is the essence of our world, a great vessel for change.

Through Their infinite grace, the Divines instilled our world with many forms of magic, but that which comes most easily to us is the magic of the Light. Through humble prayer and unwavering faith, priests can manifest the magicka within themselves as a soft, glowing Light, without the need for complex spellcraft. Through applied willpower and training, the Light can be used to heal the wounded, but it can also be used to shield the endangered, or to burn and repel, especially when used against those foul abominations universally abhorred by all Gods-loving peoples. The Light is the greatest tool in a priest’s arsenal in service to the Divines.

The origin of the Light has been debated since the beginning of time, each culture trying to claim its glory for their own. The Imperial Episcopate, under the reign of the great Reman II, decreed that the Light was a fundamental aspect of creation, and as such is a manifest blessing of all the Divines. Through its judicious use in service to your congregation, you serve and glorify the DIvines who bestowed it upon you.

And so I call upon you, those who would ascend to the ranks of the Priesthood, to praise the Light! Prayer and practice will bring you closer to it. Faith will be the catalyst of its manifestation! A Shepherd who cannot aid and protect his flock is no shepherd. A priest who cannot heal or shield their congregation is no Shepherd of souls.