Beyond Akavir...

As recounted by Paolo Vendicci, old sailor from windhelm.

"It was the 24 of last seed when we arrived. The mission was to get this breton biologist to Akavir in order to take some samples of the flora of the eastern continent. But somehow our navigator had made a mistake on the marine chart.

By the time we reached land. We found ourselves on a placid gulf of clear water. A dense forest extended along the coast. The first men to make lnto the coast mentioned some familiar critters like deer or big cats. But then they started to mention strange creatures, like giant birds that feasted on meat and thick armored beasts with mace-like tails.

The expedition changed its focus onto exploring the new land. As we sailed north the climate became more akin to the northern provinces. With fauna similar to that of skyrim, not counting the strange beasts we found on the way like large clawed horses and bulky unicorns.

We never found signs of natives but there were many strange stone statues of stag people and what seemed to be winged elves..

Its the most i can remember.."

This is my first TES fiction work, it may be a bit lame, but i wanted to explore something like that...