W-GN#38: Wyrding Stones

>##W-GN#38: Wyrding Stones


Wyrd-Word-Weird-Worth: panegyricanentCHROME


>Go forth, and tread unharmed the blaze

>Of stars wherethrough thou camest in old days;

>Pierce without fear each vast

>Whose hugeness crushed thee not within the past.

>A hand strikes off the chains of Time,

>A hand swings back the door of years;

>Now fall earth's bonds of gladness and of tears,

>And opens the strait dream to space sublime"

-“The Star-Treader”, Klarkash-Ton, Velusian Correspondences

More-or-Less, A Faerie Story:

The enterprise of akashic intercommunication crossing Void-span goes back to the earliest days of Nirnian affairs- still coalescing from molten ’ada into finite aedronic matter- to those dutiful spirits who, yet bent upon Mundane endurance, would meanwhile sorely miss their star-fled cousins, and thusly endeavoured to establish means of virtual contact. Firstly surmounting the gulf by very simple methods of projection still available to elder spirits, with the slow congealing of nirniit soil, this ease of circumventing the distances of Oblivion became less and less of theirs, forcing the invention of new means more viable to the formulating mortal schema. The first antecedents of modern scrying, astroexegesis, and ulterior divinations came to solve this growing dilemma, yet availed only to certain extents, with complaints of distorted frequencies and exorbitant expenditures rearing frequently. The advent of dreamsleeve subversion for tele-locutive purposes would swiftly displace all these, but certain inconveniences native to the nix-ways between wakings, irremediable even unto the present day, encouraged the continued experimentation in variant means of aetherial contact. These efforts would become only more and more creative as the spirits of all the ald woods distilled further into the forebears of men and mer, whilst yet further extricated from their original import as the desolation of years removed the Nirnates from their ancestral familiarity with the timeless aetherials.

At some unfixable point, whilst the pre-men of Shor’s tribes still tarried beneathe Snow-Throat, before the expedition to take Altmora from the dawn-devil A-Ur-El Urgünd, ere yet could land be disillusioned with the wits and wiles of seelie charmers: in what may well have been an accidental breakthrough, the slate marmoreal tongues of pervacious song-wights coaxed at length the yielding up of certain Urth-Bones through the fresh Nir-dirt. These wyrd erections from the very flesh of the Wheel ensorcelled forth, projected beneathe the obscene words and kisses with the markings of the stars upon them. That ribaldries of primeval Tongues had uncovered obscure creation-nodes left in the fibres of the plane(t), whereby not only might sidereal indications be discerned, but reflected laden with new directives, was ascertained by jhunal-thinkers at a later time, to befuddle and bemuse alternately as it amazed. Peradventure, the star-marked stones, dubbed Wyrding Stones for their particular faculties, were proto-Towers, for they were of a like nature to alter or to subjugate as per the imposition of the Will (or "Word" as Thu'um theorists dub it), insofar as it might reposition the stars of one’s birth.

For an aeonian historie, the nature, the origins and proper use of the Stones has been interpreted and reinterpreted. Tribes of the fal-folk propitiated them for an age, warring in odd intervals thereby determined with dioniscalates sub-nirnéan. The dwem became enamored of their tonal-texture in this time, and studied them, yet worshipped not but sought to improve by artifice, per their hubris. When came the prodigals of Ysgrimsilk, driving away the daemons who smote the land, they too were engrossed with the wyrd magic, which was akin with their word magic. The dragon cult sacrificed upon them like heathen altars, as the draugr of them still do each summer solstice- so attest the wise-women to keep the children in their beds. The Discourses of Jurgen Windcaller enjoin to “be as the stones which tarry not with petty wishes, yet split the breath astride them and twist it into true rhapsodies. Have they ever committed sin?"

In the early 3rd Era, Cyrodilic consul Dyonisos of Weye observed the practice of chosen tribal Nords to efface their skins with paint of ka-venom and pasted get-flies, to dance before their tribe’s stone and thereby pursue the spirits in contract. This practice he condemned as pagan and grotesque, and in his report avered of certain monstrous entities employed in stone idols, undoubtedly the vulgar genii of sea and air condemned in Cadusces (the 7th Vengeful Canticle) 24:18: “Whence binded they as hadde profaint ond inchaunted malignedlie ful ofte, weyrfor the Draggone seyde: ‘May ye be forevere without the grayce of Us for of bountee ye wert alack, ond of this visage stayye: of rocke.’ Praise!” Yet his attempts to convert the so-regarded heathen primitives were met with continued and more virulent dancing.

Following the Great War, as a part of the overarching efforts of the Thalmor Cultural Research Division, certain Alinori mnemo-revisionist agents attempted to fabricate memetic evidence that the Stones were works of an old Aldmeri empiry that once there-reigned. Their failure was only the result of a miscalculation in the correct configuration of varla-points against jill-egg happenstance. The culprit lygitician was zero-summed for his incompetence. Conversely, the Tourmaline League, in their century-long campaign to refute the existence of any Ald Mereth, were eradicated for the third and final time when they tried to insert the ashes of Wulfharth Talos behinde the forces of An-Ürti at the Battle of Noctambulistic Morbidezza, circa ME 076111. Amusingly, a pattern of mischance occurs in those who incur the blessings of aetherius over-much at the Wyrding points, perhaps indicative of an increasing disdain for Nirn-dwellers on the part of their sidereal interlocutors.

Yet, in the equinox of spring, First Seed 21, 177, the Legion Chaplain Basili Cordato and his loyal two retainers came up to the north, to the Lady Stone. Now, the Lady was the sign of Cordato’s birth, but the pious men made upon the Stone not for a boon, but to beg the pardon of the spirits who dwell behinde the stars on the part of their race. The response they received was ineffable, though touching. For, as the markings of the Stone alit, directing toward certain luminations in the vicinity of its concurrent constellatory eidolon, gazing toward them, the Chaplain was made miraculously aware of the fairy-tale of Ninavhael, a river-spirit who resided once by the berth of Ilinalta, who lonely-wise was enraptured in the mysteries of the evening, and the splendour of the night sky, bejewelled with the evidence of those others whom she knew not, save for in the stories known to her by whispers from dormant Urth-Bones. And coming to the Lady Stone, by chance frequencies she reached a supernal ada, called Lux-Carousel in the manner of the ’ge, who after the passing of a year, in love of her, persuaded her stars to re-align to grant her Ansëlicyriquél, the Joy of Noon, a mystic thing which passes usually from child to parent in the glitter of halcyon suns. Then the Chaplain and the knights departed, perceiving such a glitter in all around them, forever.