The Divines as Imperial leverage

So, what if the Empresses and Emperors of Tamriel created the divines by molding the synchronized will and belief of the people, in order to asure they stay in power? Hear me out.

A mythopoeia-dependant god might not be more than a joined magical force that molds reality, caused by the inherently magical will of the people believing in and wishing for it. The people of Tamriel may be creating a magical force that seems like a god, simply by very strongly believing in it and its nature, based on what they were told a god would be like.

The people may be doing this in the same (though unintended) way that they would cause bolts of lightning to shoot from their hands - as manifestations of their will with magic. For if one person can do that with the active application of will, imagine what a whole empire of people can do by jointly believing in some bigger, shared concept, and by jointly striving towards it through prayer. Now imagine the power of the person who dictates what a god is like, what one would stand for or against. Imagine their influence on the form which that emerging god-like force would take, when created with unified will and vision, by a population that really wants it and believes in it, all in a world where the very fabric of reality can be molded by will.

Why otherwise would the gods be so protective of the Emperors? Why would they care so deeply for individual bloodlines, that their stay in power would be backed up to such a degree, that their displacement would bring about a world shattering planemeld? Why are the gods so in favour of productivity, civility, and loyalty - even trade - the very things that most benefit rulers?

Imagine the Emperors as conductors of an orchestra of tens of millions. Each individual will making up that number being an instrument that adds to the form of the magical symphony of the divines. Imagine each will-instrument being guided by the already perceived symphony. Imagine the conductor's hand unseen but felt, as the symphony and the conductor now form one another, unseen but with continued purpose.

The Emperors created a symphony that would eccho in eternity. They dictated their right to rule by having the people play and sing it into reality.