Blackwych: The Realm of Namira

Juergen Thadr, Nord Scholar of Haafingar 8th of Sun's Height, 3E 244

The one thing I can say about leaving the dreadful place known as Blackwych is that I'm never going back. Having undertaken expeditions to the Shivering Isles, Coldharbour, Colored Rooms and the Evergloam, I can safely conclude that Blackwych, the realm belonging to Namira, Prince of the Grotesque, is beyond horrific.

Sometimes referred to as the Scuttling Void, - a name derived from the seemingly infinite black sea that the realm resides in - the first thing you will notice is definitely the appalling odor that overtakes all other smells. I had brought with me ammonia inhalants and I couldn't get a whiff of them even as I poured them on my nose. The disgusting taste of Blackwych was inescapable. But, as a man of science it was my duty to continue forward and explore this hellish landscape.

After I managed to get used to the smell, I took notice of the land around me. It was horrifying, to say the least. Roads were constructed out of fleshy bones from all sorts of creatures, men and mer included, and trees looked like they were made out of muscle tissue. They certainly felt like flesh, but were dripping a strange sap highly reminiscent of spinal fluids. The grass, for lack of a better word, was reddish-brown and seemed to move on its own. I removed one of my shoes and it felt as if the grass tried to grab hold of my foot. Thankfully it was too short to get a good grip. It felt squelchy, like worms or soft-tissue insects, and slippery where the trees had dropped their sap.

Soon therafter, I was contacted by Namira herself. She welcomed me to her realm by stripping the clothes of my body and throwing them in a river, then disappearing into the black sea. All manner of disgusting vermin swam through the black waters. The water itself was thick and goopy, and seemingly flammable. I had to use my own drinking water to clean my clothes, and decided to cut my visit short.

Before I left, I made a few extra observations. The sky was brown, and on occassion you could see what appeared to be eyeballs opening and closing momentarily. In the distance I could spot a mountain, atop which a green castle overlooked the island. I can only assume this is where Namira makes her home. On my way back to the Oblivion Gate I encountered a horde of undead rabbits. I had to climb one of the muscle trees in order to escape them. After that, I simply ran until I was transported safely back to Tamriel again, and the Gate was forcibly closed.

Blackwych, the Scuttling Void, the Realm of Namira. I have never been apart of such a nightmarish realm before, and I hope I never return, although a tiny part of me wishes I could explore more. But for now, I am grateful to be back in green, beautiful Cyrodiil.