Chant of the Seeker's Archive

Translated to Cyrodiilic by Wlahaba al-Namha, scholar the No'Raqqi Sisterhood of Ra-Yoku'Iquizzi.

Shir Hyrma-Mora, zko yok yii wajjah no'tha yiian.

Ii fiok yokan yii dhali kazumai-huahn.

Ii fiok yokan yii shafa ahgai-huahn.

Ii fiok'Elah yokan yii ghaze phorthai-huahn.

Shafal haxum Waqri-Ahra'no Tarish-Zian yii uko aj zaphabah'no.

Yoqq jhakuz yok, a yok ii taal ronik yii var yii wulah.

Lahna waqrai faali yii ap udsa-huahn, aó rumayyn Ehlno-Bahlq.

Hyrma-Mora, dhuraz noan, zko yok yii bahzalayk tyyndai yiian.

Yii ronym zu aghubai moks Yokuda, a gulaap phorthai zko yumbai'apokryfaa.

Yii zssik yok shinal ii Yumbe'Aghyyz, a cantha yok agunai Nedan.

Yii wynze ruqsal nah shilaz yokan, azlan lipf Anka-Ra Ahra'noan.

Yzsal seilp af Nedei a Orikalcc'varei zupthe.

Yii kalamic zko aghazu yqq svaaweh kanry.


Great Hyrma-Mora, to you we pledge our souls.

In your name we carry these stones.

In your name, we write these tomes.

In your honoured name, we seal these gates.

Under the banner of Star-Emperor Tarish-Zi we bring down the unfaithful.

We honour you, and you in turn grant us all we crave.

The very stars led us to this place, an ancient Ehlno'-cave.

Hyrma-Mora, gardener of men, to you we sacrifice our children.

We give up the secrets of lost Yokuda, and open gates to your apocryphal halls.

We sing you praise in the Hall of Lore, and feed you Nedic brains.

We shall fight for your honour, along with the Emperor's Anka-Ra.

Against those of the Nedic and Orichalc-Elven folk.

Our desire to know is beyond reckoning.