An Exhaustive Compilation and Analysis of all-known information regarding Pelinal Whitestrake

I, like many others, found myself fascinated by the character of the Divine Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake. However, I often found myself stymied in my efforts to understand exactly what the nature of this/these character(s) was. To be certain, there are hints and clues sprinkled liberally about, but I was never able to find a location where anybody had actually collected the various secrets and attempted to make some sort of working theory.

To that end, I have endeavored to do so, and the massive wall of text below is the result. Rest assured, I have been diligent in my searches, and I believe that I haven't missed many sources. Hopefully, this post will serve as a tool for the great minds of this sub-reddit to pin down an internally cohesive theory as to who/what the Pelinal(s) are.

Also, please note that I chose to begin the article with my synthesis of the information, and you should find that everything within that synthesis is a (hopefully) more-or-less ironclad conclusion based on the information below.


>Pelinal's myth is from 1E 242-1E 243, during the Slave Rebellion >>Textual Composition of the Songs is from the early second Era

>Pelinal is an acronym for “Prototype Extra-Liminal Interstitial Nirnian Assault Lattice” >>Prototype-A preliminary model of something, from which other forms are developed or copied

>>Extra (prefix)-meaning outside or beyond

>>Liminal-Occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary >>>Limen-threshold beyond which a stimulus is not perceived or distinguished

>>Interstitial-Of, forming, or occupying interstices >>>Interstices-an intervening space, especially a small one >>>>Intervening-come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events >>>>>-occur in time between events

>>Nirnian-Of, or pertaining to Nirn

>>Assault-a physical attack, or a concerted attempt to do something demanding

>>Lattice-a regular repeated three-dimensional arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in metal or other crystalline solid >>>A preliminary model of repeated three-dimensional molecules of crystalline solid, occupying a position at a threshold of perception, of and/or forming a small occurence or alteration in the course of events pertaining to Nirn via attack or concerted effort, possibly from which others are to be developed

>Pellani is the Aldmeris word for stranger

>Pelinal was sent by (NOT summoned) Kyne (NOT Kynareth).

>Pelinal is from the future, though this might not have been Kyne's intention

>>Pelinal is from a time when chainmail and plate armor exist

>>Pelinal is from Reman's time or later

>>Pelinal is from a timeline in which the Ayleids are overthrown, as the Reman dynasty is founded

>>Pelinal is from a time prior to, or after, the existence of Talos

>>>Pelinal comes from sometime between the end of the First Era and the beginning of the Third Era

>The Third Era demonstrates a beginning of the loss of advanced magic >>Decline of Sunbirds, Mananauts, and Tower Creation >>>Was Pelinal created during this era in his timeline?

>Pelinal and Shor's (NOT Shezzar's, or Lorkhan's) relationship is mysterious >>Shor may have mantled Pelinal >>>Pelinal is possibly part of a time-loop, wherein Shor mantles him >>>>This would fit the T-800's stable timeloop in Terminator (1984), wherein the Terminator's remains are used to create Skynet >>>>>Are Skynet and Tal.OS comparable?

>>>>>Is Pelinal a last-ditch Shezzarine sent back to prevent retroactivly prevent Tal.OS' destruction?

>After his ascension, Talos takes on qualities of Shor and Shor takes on qualities of Talos >>Likewise, does Shor/Pelinal's mantling retroactively affect one another?

>Shor is the son of Shor

>This Kalpa is unique, possibly due to unanticipated Lorkhan worship >>Pelinal is possibly the reason for this

>Has mythical similarities and parallels to Gilgamesh

>"brain-fracture slaughterhouse antinomial (Kill)3 functions stuck in his hand or head" >>Brain-organ that functions as the coordinating center of sensation, intellectual, and nervous activity

>>Fracture-the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material

>>Slaughterhouse-a place where animals are slaughtered for food

>>Antinomian-Of, or relating to the view that Christians are released by grace from the obligation of observing the moral law >>>Anti-Opposite, against


>>>Nomial-name, term

>>(Kill)3-Unknown >>>kill~3-is a Linux/Unix command that means SIGQUIT, and generates a thread dump >>>>Thread Dump-means of finding what every thread in the JVM is doing at a particular point in time >>>>>Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-an implementation that interprets compiled binary code so it can perform a programs instructions.

>>Functions-An activity or purpose that was intended >>>Pelinal has intellectually-damaging law-opposing system commands that generate a means of identifying what every thread within the operating system is doing at a particular time inextricably placed within either his head or hand.

>Amaranth is a step beyond CHIM wherein the images given birth in your dream (stolen from the first dreamer) wake up, and begin to dream in the same way. >>This is ostensibly Lorkhan's goal in creation ("...(T)he music lives forever as a pirate radio tuned against the rules of Heaven and the vulgarities of Hell....Still, no wonder some called Him the Doom Drum.")

>The Chim-el Adabal is also the stone of White Gold Tower, and all Towers are given their metaphysical structure by Mer. >>The Chim-el Adabal is a Merish artifact, and had to exist prior to the Slave Rebellion in order to serve as the stone of White Gold.

>White Gold Tower was built by the Ayleids

>The Chim-el Adabal is a powerful soulgem-esque artifact containing an oversoul of all Cyrodilic Emperors, including Alessia.

>Shezzar/Akatosh is said to have been at Alessia's deathbed, and transformed her into the first gem of the Amulet of Kings. >>Pelinal is also said to have been at Alessia's deathbed

>Memospores >>Meme-an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means

>>Spore-a minute reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual in bacteria, a rounded resistant form adopted by a bacterial cell in adverse conditions

>Reincarnation is the passive reception of a Dreamsleeve Memospore by symbolic actions >>Shezzarines are possibly the injection of Memospores into the soul

>>The AE of a given mortal can be infected by certain features (the virus) which allow for connection with an oversoul of others who have those features (the botnet). >>>There are at least two methods of such infection: Direct Summoning and Prophetic Summoning >>>>Direct Summoning-bequeathing the status on someone. ex. The Greybeards naming the Last Dragonborn Ysmir, intentionally installing the fully realized bot (Ghost of Shor), which may reach back and affect the individual's AE "before" it happens. >>>>>Requires the source (Shezzar) of the installed bot to consent to the download

>>>>>This is an incomplete mantling: the mantling of the Ghost of Shor (botnet) rather than Shor himself.

>>>>>In the same way that a botnet consists of many computers acting in tandem, but each computer also accomplishes individual programs and tasks.

>>>>Prophetic Summoning-traditional summoning, "built from the cobbles of drawn-bone destiny.". ex. Possibly the vector through which traditional "-ines" emerge. >>>>>Requires the fulfilling of prophetic conditions of personal history and willful deeds. A prophecy is made, and by following its directions and matching its conditions, a mortal invites/downloads the botnet into their AE, which then builds a new node of itself.

>Talos is a prolific AE

>>Tal.OS is a botnet (virus) that cannot be deleted because it has tied itself to important system processes.

>>Tal.OS is related to a trans-kalpic scheme >>>Tal.OS is intended to continue the current kalpa indefinitely >>>>Possibly with the goal of stalling long enough for the rise of a new Amaranth

>Tal(OS) is the future-monkey-speak moniker of Talos which re-fortifies the Mundus via Convention 2.0.

>There are several individuals jointly mantling Lorkhan and each other >>Wulfharth, Tiber Septim, Zurin Arctus, Talos, Hjalti, Ysmir >>>The list is missing an individual

>>>Ostensibly the N on the list stands for New Man, meaning, possibly, Jubal

>>>Pelinal is not included on this list

>Umaril's father is from a previous Kalpa's World River >>Does World River hear mean a River Branch (the World of the River)?

>Reman I is Cyrodil Incarnate >>Reman I is the incarnation mankind's dominance

>>Reman is the consumation of Alessia's mission

>>Reman is a Christ-figure, intermediary between Heaven and Earth >>>Pelinal venerates Reman for this

>Pelinal lacked the blessing of Talos, and therefore could not complete his mission >>The Blessing of Talos allows the Champion of Cyrodiil to pursue Umaril's soul into Oblivion

>Talos, along with Vivec, are the only individuals to achieve CHIM

>Shor fought the Ayleids prior to their enslavement of the Nedes >>Shor's disappearance enabled the mastery of the Ayleids

>Pelinal struck down the enemies of man and god

>Pelinal was known as the Champion of Men

>The et'Ada are quantum figures >>Quantum-Minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction

>The et'Ada shed/create Aspects as they become more self-aware

>The original Space God and Time God are distinct, but united as One >>Each is a subgradient of the other

>Pelinal Whitestrake, Harrald Hairy Breeks, Ysmir, Wulfharth, Hans the Fox are each credited with First Era heroics >>Each of these individuals are members of the same botnet-group >>>The members of the botnet group are possibly the "others" who have disturbed Pelinal's slumber, mentioned when speaking to the CoC

>The Eight in general seem to want this Kalpa to continue

>Numidium erases the human races and Altmer from existence after release by the Thalmor in one c0da >>Is this c0da the future of the main series, or a parallel?

>>Pelinal is sent from this c0da to the Oblivion one to prevent this from happening, only to set it into motion?

>Star Orphans, are the gods, heroes, and demons that live between creations >>Star Orphans did not contribute to the Aurbis, but chose to stay within it because it was intriguing

>>Star Orphans live in "Un-time"

>The achievement of Amaranth is when "the Dream no longer needs the Dreamer".

>King Hrol (Reman's father) was an entity from beyond the Aurbis

>Pelinal is weaker than Morihaus, Wulfharth, Auri-El, Reman, Leki, Vivec, Trinimac, The HoonDing, and Talos.

>Mantia means law

>Some of Pelinal's supposed feats were performed by multiple people, but were attributed to him.

>The Song of Pelinal was originally oral tradition

>Pelinal was and is an insane collective swarmfoam from the future >>Insane-a state of mind preventing normal perception, behavior, or social interaction

>>Collective-done by units acting as a group

>>Swarmfoam-undefined >>>Swarm (astronomy)-a large number of minor celestial objects occuring together in space, especially a dense shower of meteors

>>>Foam-a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation

>>Pelinal is a multi-time unified group of minor celestial objects occuring together in space like bubbles in liquid that is incapable of normal perception or behavior

>Pelinal and Zurin Arctus have only one thing in common, The Throne >>This is likely a reference to Pelinal and Zurin sharing Shezzarine status

>There are Pelinal(s) throughout history, in a similar manner to Heimskr >>Pelinal, KINMUNE, Heimskr, and M'aiq are all semi-sentient ever-present synthetic and vaguely nautical sonar ping sounds that are space-bound-by-Mundus. >>>They are something like radio signals bouncing off radio towers, resembling Cerebro pulses/waves of light

>>>They are each sound artifacts bouncing around the song in the wake of Convention

>>>It is theorized that these four are the 'voices' in Anu's head

>>>Each is from waves of their own that collide with and shape the waves of the Aurbis

>>>Heimskrs are dream-sleevers with a brain-embeded Pipboy stuck on 3Dog's channel >>>>The Dreamsleeve is the collective unconscious, and also doubles as an internet for the mind >>>>>Every mortal soul is linked to the Dreamsleeve

>>>>>Every dream a mortal has is recorded in the Dreamsleeve

>>>>>Dreams in Mundus are typically portions of Memory

>>>>>Otherwise, dreams are simply psychic messages whilst the dreamer is unconscious

>>>>>The Dreamsleeve is responsible for the Afterlife in two ways: reincarnation and assignment of Afterlife

>>>>>>Reincarnation: The Dreamsleeve strips and stores the soul's memories, and then places the soul in the next vessel

>>>>>>Afterlife: The soul is sent to a Daedric or Aedric Plane(t).

>>>>Anu, the Amaranth Dreamer, pulls identities from the Dreamsleeve

>>>>The Dreamsleeve is a Mundus-unique twisted version of what actually happens to Spirits, being designed to keep mortals trapped in the Mundus.

>>>>Heimskrs are Skald SETI

>>>>>Skald-Alternate nordic name for bards

>>>>>SETI-Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

>>>Pelinal and this group are similar to the Celestials of Marvel Comics >>>>Celestials-An alien race that influenced human history for mysterious and unclear reasons >>>>>There agenda is ultimately unknown

>>>>>They are responsible for seeding other lifeforms into existence

>>>>>Nobody, not even the Watchers, know where they are from

>>>>>Nathaniel Richards once speculated that they lived within Hyperspace, and their armor was a means for them to exist in reality

>>>>Pelinal and the other's are therefore cosmic functions of the universe

>Tonal Architecture is capable of unmaking a Daedra

>Pelinal is homosexual or bisexual

>The Champion of Cyrodiil becomes Pelinal >>Pelinal is a recurring theme throughout the universe, with different individuals 'being' Pelinal

>GHARTOK is your weapon hand, or a hand made for weapons, or a hand that IS a weapon

>The Aldmeri Dominion's victory is inevitable

>Cyrus' wizard has summoned A Pelinal >>Pelinal is capable of being summoned in similar manner to an Atronach >>>Pelinal appears to be a class, or organization, of entities

>Pelinal called out Reman's name through time and space, and Reman acknowledged it

>According to the Lament, Pelinal was partitioned at least once prior to his partioning by the Ayleids


"I can confirm that he was a robot sent by Kyne. That he comes from the future may or may not have been her intention. I'm not going to talk about Pelinal and Shor and if one may have mantled the other. Yeah, you read that right."-Michael Kirkbride

"RE: Pelinal, his closest mythical model would be Gilgamesh, with a dash of a T-800 thrown in, and a full-serving of brain-fracture slaughterhouse antinomial (Kill)3 functions stuck in his hand or head. We tend to forgive those heroes. And thousands of years of Good Coming From Bad, and/or whitewash, ignorance, shame, his Song being read by the Knights merely as fancy rather than right record, etc, might explain the Order's reluctance to villify or apologize for him. Plus, no one wants to get smothered in their sleep by moths. That said, I sure would like to read the story of Alkosh whooping Pelinal's ass back to Cyrod when the Whitestrake's pogroms strayed too far into the Dragon-Cat's land."-Michael Kirkbride

" 2) M'Aiq, don't forget the hypnogogic part spun along the nature of Tamriel with an admixture of the love of parenthood that would follow. Not the "power"-- the cherishing. 3) To the close dreamers, don't forget the Amaranth. There is one step beyond CHIM, but you're right in that it is not godhood. It's the flowering of a statehood where the images you give birth to in your dream-- stolen (?) from first dreamer-- wakes up. Wails knowing free will. And begins to dream in the same way. Children of liberty without end, and then the music lives forever as a pirate radio tuned against the rules of Heaven and the vulgarities of Hell. Yeah, like that, but, crap, it just shattered and now I need my morning coffee because I have to work. Still, no wonder some called Him the Doom Drum."-Michael Kirkbride


"'Milady, they're asking about the top secret, classified protocol again.' The shimmering, vaguely humanoid blue apparition shifts and shimmers a bit in its thot-box. A vague humming sounds fills the air - almost too quiet to be picked up by human ears 'Yes, the Weynon Protocol. Shall I send in the Red Templars?' The blue light shimmers more intensely, like water disturbed by a hard rain. The sound becomes high pitched and quite loud. It would split the ears of most mortals, but the hooded man kneeling before it seems unfazed 'Your will be done, Milady. Those who pry too deeply into the trans-kalpic scheme must be silenced.'"-Anonymous

"Pelinal stands for 'Prototype Extra-Liminal Interstitial Nirnian Assault Lattice'"-Michael Kirkbride

"Hail knight! You seek my Relics with a worthy heart! Your prayers have woken me from my endless dream. Or perhaps you have entered my dream, and I still sleep. I think others have sometimes spoken to me, others like you, but my memory is doubtful. Perhaps the others came after you. Your need must be great for the gods to allow us to speak. Has Umaril the Accursed found a way back? The foulest of a foul race. A thousand curses upon his unholy name! I thought I'd won. But I should have known. The Slavemasters are a cunning breed. Umaril found a way to cheat death, as I could not. If you would seek for my Relics, I know little that can help you. All that has passed since my death is like mist that my mind cannot take hold of. My friends built a shrine upon the site of my death, where the Elves tormented me in a final act of revenge. I can show you where it once stood. Perhaps it is there still. Fare thee well, sir knight. May the gods grant you to destroy Umaril utterly, as I failed to do."-Pelinal to the Champion of Cyrodiil

"The haziness of Shezarr's relationship to the Divines (he is often called their 'Missing Sibling') begins with St. Alessia, the so-called 'Slave Queen of Cyrodiil, the founder figure of the original Cyrodilic Empire. In the earliest Cyro-Nordic stories of the Heartland, Shezarr fought against the Ayleids (the 'Heartland Highelves') on mankind's behalf. Then, for some unknown reason, he vanishes from the stage (presumably to help other humans elsewhere), and, without his leadership, the Ayleids conquer the humans and enslave them."-Shezzar and the Divines

" • Wulfharth L

•   Hjalti O
•   Ysmir R
•   Talos K
•   Arctus H
•   Septim A
    N   "-Michael Kirkbride

"The Eight And One require a champion, a Divine Crusader reborn. Pelinal Whitestrake once struck down the enemies of man and god. Who will now reclaim his Relics and fight again for the true faith? There are loremasters among you, heads so heavy with learning that you cannot raise your eyes to the heavens to see the truth there written! Cut eight-wise he was, Pelinal the Blamer, champion of Men, and though dispersed he left us a warning! Heed it! Umaril is returned, as was foretold by the head of Pelinal to the Bull of Kyne in those days of old Cyrodiil. Who will walk the Pilgrim's Way, as did the questing knights of old? The blood tide rises! Will no one take up this holy crusade? Will no one walk the ancient Pilgrim's Way? Oh unhappy Tamriel! Where is your Divine Crusader, in these latter days of petty strife and lesser men?"-The Prophet of Anvil

"All of the akaspirits, like all of the etada, are quantum figures that shed their skin as each aspect of them becomes more and more self-aware."- Michael Kirkbride

"'How does one perceive the "untimes" of "previous" kalpas? Through an artificial meta-time or...?' 'Short answer: always through the dreamsleeve.'-Michael Kirkbride

"Mnemolic magic is related to the "Star Orphans", gods and heroes and demons that live between creations, which can include those reality-bending burps known as Dragon Breaks. Think of them as the all-stars between kalpas, if that helps."-Michael Kirkbride

"Those who do not fail become the New Men: an individual beyond all AE, unerased and all-being. Jumping beyond the last bridge of all existence is the Last Existence, The Eternal I. I AM. A whole World of You. God. God outside of all else but his own free consciousness, hallucinating for eternity and falling into love: I AM AND I ARE ALL WE."-The Loveletter

"As far as the Anuad: Nirn (Female/Land/Freedom catalyst for birth-death of enantiomorph)/ Anu-Padomay (enantiomorph with requisite betrayal)/ ? (Witnessing Shield-thane who goes blind or is maimed and thus solidifies the wave-form; blind/maimed = = final decision) Seek and you shall find. I hid it."-Michael Kirkbride

"Bonus: King Hrol (seeker/Healer of Kingdom), "from the lands beyond lost Twil". Twil as Twilight. Grey Maybe. Aurbis. His knights numbered "eighteen less one," the number of the Hurling Disk. SPACE GODS BEGAT REMAN! NEWS AT ZERO-SUM, PACIFIC STANDARD GRADIENT!"-Michael Kirkbride

"Talos. The HoonDing. Trinimac. Vivec. Leki. Reman. Auri-El. Wulfharth. Morihaus. Pelinal. That's my list, and pretty much in that order. Though Vivec did kill Tiber Septim once...but I mentioned Talos, not the Emperor."-Michael Kirkbride

"Are there any ancient Aleissan (sic) Rebellion-era heroes of note who didn't make it into the Song of Pelinal? FUCK YES. nigga prolly ate most of 'em. "ate"."-Michael Kirkbride to SemblioSanctii

"What is the connection between Pelinal and Zurin? @Mojo, nothing but the Throne."-Michael Kirkbride to mojonation1487

"Pelinal was and is an insance collective swarmfoam war-fractal from the future, you betcha."-Michael Kirkbride

"'A single Wheel? More like a Telescope that stretches all the way back to the Eye of the Anui-El, with Padomaics innumerable along its infinite walls."-Michael Kirkbride, in-character

"Bears repeating but there are Heimskrs throughout history. As in Pelinals but not quite."-Michael Kirkbride

"Yes, I think that M'aiq is another one of these...let's just call them Celestials (Marvel Comics) for now. Pelinal, KINMUNE, Heimskr, M'aiq...all semi-sentient ever-present 'pings' from...idk I just lost it. Oh, wait? The Pity-XYZ to Jills?"-Michael Kirkbride

"On further reflection, I'd probably remove them from time-as-bound-by-Aka and move them to a space-bound-by-Mundus. Or the Convention, more like. Something like radio signals bouncing off radio towers."-Michael Kirkbride, clarifying previous quote

"There we go. If one pulls up and outward from the Wheel (somehow) and can see it all (like from a Provision(ed) House) these pings and pongs of radio waves look like Cerebro pulses/waves of light."-Michael Kirkbride, again clarifying previous quote

"/synthetic and vaguely nautical sonar ping sound."-Michael Kirkbride, again clarifying previous quote

"None of my in-game books were ever edited with the exception of a few lines in The Song of Pelinal (one removing Morihaus' erection, another stating that Pelinal was homosexual). The line changed from something like "a hoplite who Pelinal often shared a tent with at night" to "a hoplite who Pelinal loved well". That same hoplite gets killed, causing Pelinal to go on one of his crazed destruction sprees. You can go to the source text and figure out which part I'm talking about. The reason it was changed was a simple matter of keeping his sexuality ambigious. Since the player was donning Pelinal's armor, and completing a mission that he could not, in a sense becoming him, being so blunt about Pelinal's sexuality was too...definitive (?) in relation to the PC's own. Given the open nature of TES PCs, I felt that it was fine to keep it open to interpretation. But it's still there. If you look at Pelinal, that hoplite is the only one he gives his non-familial affection to, and his retaliation against not just the Elves but the whole world after his lover's death is enough, I think, to infer the original intent."-Michael Kirkbride

"This and the mention of Russian stacking dolls makes me feel like 'nested-class pressurized dream suits' are required to move directly between nested Amaranths. Like, you can sail from B Prime to C Prime, but you probably need something insanely advanced to move from B Prime to A Sub-sub-sub-sub. Ghost Choir 9 most likely has this type of tech."-Michael Kirkbride

"'As a general rule it is wise to always bring a wizard to sea if you plan to prey on it. My last wizard was a Breton Spellsword who I gangplanked for being a pederast, a not uncommon train found in the westernmost magicians. I then found Gar, a student of the Malhamic arts, and graduate of the Forums of the Phynastery. He has proven to be an invaluable part of the Carrick. He not only planned the heist of the Masser-Secunda Slave Trade, but summoned a Pelinal to cover our escape.' Relevant."-Michael Kirkbride

"Think of the Heimskrs as dream-sleevers with a brain-embeded Pipboy stuck on 3Dog's channel. In some era (I'm looking at you TESV: Skyrim), certain people find the Heimskrs dangerous, or annoying, or both."-Michael Kirkbride

"Good, because Reman's epic The Shonni-etta will share similar themes. There's a reason Pelinal called out Reman's name through time and space. Who's to say the Boy Tyrant didn't hear it? I'm not done with the swarmfoam war-fractal yet."-Michael Kirkbride

"Is it intended to mean the Fool? Heimskr is quoting From The Many-Headed Talos, so he doesn't actually need to understand the reference. It's still a reference to CHIM in Skyrim, though. But I think the Fool might have some idea about the Wheel, and how it all turns out. Having such awareness yet spending his time as a preacher would make Heimskr a proper Fool. Or is the name Heimskr intended for its etymology of Homish/of the Home? In this (unlikely) case, it's a little less clear, but makes some sense given his sense of nationalism. I'm tempted to draw a connection to the Provisional House, because, if I understand it correctly, 'heimskt er heimalit barn (homish (silly) is the home-bred bairn)' would be a fair description of Vivec in Sermon 19...this also relates to the idea of knowing about something but failing to apply it, which could suggest Heimskr is aware of the nature CHIM. Follow me out on a limb to the even less relevant; I also like the other saying that definition provides. 'Veror opt heitum heimskr maor feginn', "fair words make a fool's heart leap for joy'. I like the reference to the Heart, though I'm not sure if Lorkhan's a Fool...then again, I (think?) he created Mundus to let others try to achieve what he was aware of but could or would not attempt, so maybe he qualifies to some extent. And Vivec I would associate with fair words, but I also read that as a possible reference to Tonal Architecture, which makes sense with the Heart. It's a huge stretch, specially considering I don't think the word "heart" literally appears in the original at all (translating word-for-word, I think it is something like 'Worthy often words foolish man rejoices'). There was probably no reason to go out on this limb, so brace yourself, I'll saw it off underneath our feet."-Lemon Tree

"Bravo. There is everything about the Heimskr-Thing in your post. Skald SETI."-Michael Kirkbride to Lemon Tree

"They come back to 'fix' the future. The Jills have to work overtime."-Michael Kirkbride in response to why various robots travel backwards in time


Please note that I would have liked to include the text from the books themselves here, however, doing so pushed me far beyond Reddit's character limit. The best I can do is to provide the links to the relevant literature that I have unearthed.




