The Night Mother, Mephala, and The Splintering of the Morag Tong.

At approximatley 2E 358 the Morag Tong had an internal conflict wherein about half the members left the organization, and decided instead to form their own organization. The Dark Brotherhood. The dark brotherhood was not nearly as strict as the Morag Tong, and while still worshipping, and venerating Mephala they also worshipped Sithis.

I believe I have the answer to why the Morag Tong Split, and who the night mother really is.

So. Why did the Tong split? Well lets establish a timeline shall we?

2E 283-Potentate Versidue-Shaie declares Martial Law at the council of Bardmont.

Following the destruction of his fortress at Dawnstar, Versidue-Shaie convenes the Elder Council and declares martial law throughout Tamriel, warning the rebellious leaders of his vassal kingdoms to disband their private armies or face his wrath. This sparks 37 years of intense conflict, at the end of which Versidue-Shaie's Imperial legions stand victorious as the sole army in the land

I believe this is where the conflict begins. I believe that the Tong was divided by this issue. With the 2 trains of thought being

Opinion: Morag Tong "This is bad for business we're liable to be killed by soldiers out there, our assassinations will be more difficult to carry out, and we may have to disregard certain codes of conduct of the Tong in order to carry out these assassinations."

Opinion: Dark Brotherhood "This is very good for business, and for religious purposes. Mephala, and Sithis will be pleased that so much murder, and change is occuring. No doubt that at this very moment the Potentate Versidue is planning a secret conspiracy to defeat his enemies! This is wonderous!"

I believe that the Morag Tong had an internal split first. Where there were 2 groups. Either Martial law was good, or bad, and you don't really associate with the other side that much.

So these 2 groups who worked together started slowly drifting apart over the course of years, and that brings us to 2E 321

2E 321: The Guild Act is Approved. The guild act was a legislative move that codified the practice of guilds throughout the second Empire. It was signed by the potentate. It sanctioned many guilds most famously including the fighters guild, and the mages guild.

The guilds were required to pay levies to the Empire and to pay for any expansions in exchange for protection and encouragement from the Empire, which saw the value these guilds had to the people of Tamriel. Later sanctions, some of them during the Third Empire, introduced new guilds into the fold. Overall these guilds were not only strengthened by the Guild Act, but strengthened the Empire in return, filling its much-emptied treasury.

It is never clearly stated anywhere that the Morag Tong were sanctioned, but I believe they were sanctioned under the guild act because on all official documents including writs wherein the Tong is referenced they must be refered to as the Morag Tong Guild so as to recognize their legal status under the empire. Funnily enough though in Dunmer "Morag Tong Guild" translates to "Foresters Guild Guild".

I believe that after the guild act was approved there was MAJOR internal conflict in the Tong at this time.

I believe that the group that opposed Martial Law were in favor of the guild act, because they were such traditionalists. They knew that what they were doing was legitimate, and it felt good to have the Empire recognize that. They also believed they would benefit from the protection offered by the Imperials.

I believe that the group that was Pro Martial law were opposed to the guild act, because they believed they shouldn't have to pay any levies, fees, or taxes they are doing the work of a God, and are honorable peace keepers in Dunmer society. How dare these snide Imperials come into our country, and demand we fork over gold for what? Protection? The Morag Tong does not require protection we are some of the most skilled, and experienced assassins in tamriel, and if someone truly skilled enough comes along to kill us then a few imperial guards aren't going to stop them.

The 2 groups are becoming more, and more, and more, and more, and more isolated. They fucking hate each other now, and believe that the other side is going to destroy the Morag Tong, and destroy their livelyhood. Drastic measures must be taken.

In 2E 324 I believe that the Pro Martial law group executed the potentate. I believe they did this for several reasons. 1. To invoke change via murder. 2. To follow in Mephala's footsteps, and be deceitful, and unpredictable. Supporting him at one point, and murdering him later. 3. To piss off the other group who supported the guild act, because Potentate Shaie was a big part of approving the guild act.

I believe that after the assassination was carried out about half of the Morag Tong members left the Morag Tong to form the Dark Brotherhood. I think that the Dark Brotherhood wanted to be similar to the Morag Tong, but without its pitfalls. The Dark Brotherhood established Five basic tenets to live by instead of the strict rules of the Morag Tong. You see the Brotherhood believed that the Tong had become far too Anuic, and far too predictable to be worthy of Mephala's time.

Mephala was far more chaotic, and disorderly than the Morag Tong would have you believe, and the Dark brotherhood knew that. The Dark Brotherhood wasn't officially sanctioned until 2E 360. I believe that from 2E 324-2E 360 The Dark brotherhood was barely organized at all. It was most likely just a large family of assassins murdering in the name of Mephala, and trying to distance themselves from the Morag Tong.

I believe that sometime inbetween 2E 324-2E 360 The Dark Brotherhood began to have a bit of a faith issue. Where did Mephala come from? It was a good question. I mean where do Gods come from? I believe the Guildmaster, and higher ups researched the issue, and came to the conclusion that Padomay, and Anu birthed their own souls Sithis, and Anui-el, Sithis gave birth to Lorkhan, and Anui-el to Auriel

Thus they owed their lives to Sithis, and on top of that there God's had a father who created them.

So somewhere inbetween 2E 324- 2E 360 The brotherhood began worshipping Sithis as well as Mephala.

But not only did they find Sithis during this period. They also found his bride. I have read the Night Mothers Truth, and I believe that in 2E 326 a dunmer woman was told by Sithis to murder her 5 children, and herself. I believe she went to the Dark Brotherhood's headquarters, and proceeded to publicly kill her children, and herself. Shocked that someone would just waltz in, and kill their children I believe that some Dark brotherhood members were told to dispose of her body, but I believe that she spoke, and someone heard her voice. The person who heard her voice must've been a higher up, or perhaps the guild master, because the listener is the guild leader. I believe that the night mother spoke to the listener, and explained to them how the dark brotherhood should operate, including the five tenets, the black hand, the rankings, the religion. Everything.

Somehow the listener managed to convince everybody that the dead lady really was talking to him, and he hadn't gone mad, and the dark brotherhood was born. They would spend the next 34 years preparing a base, recruiting assassins, training, practicing on victims, and setting up shop in general.

Now how would you convince a group of assassins that a dead old lady was really talking to you, and you hadn't just lost your marbles? I have a theory without much evidence, but its the best I've got. I believe that when the night mother killed herself an aspect of Mephala appeared before everybody in the guild, and told them that she would select a listener, and would only speak to one person, and that one person would lead them to glory. This particular aspect of Mephala was extremely fond of murder, and secret conspiracies which would explain why purifications exist in the dark brotherhood. I believe the aspect of Mephala joined herself with the night mothers body, became the bride of Sithis, and then instructed the listener on what to do, and by 2E 412 The Dark Brotherhood is a known, and feared organization.

Hail Sithis, and may you find solace in the void good brother.