Kynbriefing: Concerning the White-Gold Tower

By Vyrsago Xarnyk-Zkaal

So, I am sure that you are all very eager to get into that big Tower-thing in the centre of the Mortal City. But I want to remind everyone that the Dread Father has expressly forbidden all Kyn except those with special orders from entering it. Apparently this "White-Gold Tower" is one of the things that makes invading the Mundus rather complicated, and that's why we are ripping all these Telvarlais, or "Tel Var" as you mentally challenged Kynworns keep calling them. I swear that I will personally torture anyone who mentions "Tel Var Stones" while I hear it. Apparently the Telvarlais are somehow the things that empower the Tower, and makes it impossible to fully "deactivate" whatever it is that makes the Tower so special. And to those Kyn who have studied and learned what they should; no, the Chim-el Adabal is not to worry about any longer. The Tower was apparently highly sacred to the Ayleids (I know that you have all seen at least a couple of Soul-Shriven Ayleids) who once controlled it. I wonder what happened to them, the Ayleids were always so much fun to make deals with. I guess that they all died, as Mortals tend to do (but I won't bother explaining the concept of death to you Churls here).

Anyways, if you are not a Kyn having been specifically tasked with defending the Tower you should probably stop reading. In fact, you should definitely stop and do something that's actually useful. Maybe you'll recieve an Azure-Mallarizshik for it, but I wouldn't know. Here are the rules that all Kyn who are allowed to ender the Tower must follow, without asking your Overkyn stupid questions:

1. Don't touch anything which glows if you don't know exactly what it is. If something glows on Nirn it probably means it's important, remember that.

2. Don't go into, or beyond the room with the so-called Elder Scroll (you don't need to know what that is). There will be Xivkyn guards to let you know when you've gone too far.

3. Hand over anything that you find and think might be of value to Molag Bal's cause to your nearest Overkyn, immediately. Deviation from this rule will be especially harshly punished.

4. Defile or destroy shrines to the Aedra and items of cultural importance to the Mortals every chance you get, unless you have to break rule 1 or 3 to do so.

5. Do not exit the Tower unless you are given orders to do so. Not even into the Barathrum Centrata (I don't care if the Kyn stationed there have more "fun" than you have in the Tower).

6. Don't feed the Daedroth cramators, or the Ogrim, unless you are given orders to do so.

7. Slay all and any Mortals that you see (except for the "Empress-Regent Clivia", but you know why she is excluded).

8. Follow the orders of your superiors without question, unless you have to break any of the above rules to do so. If a superior Kyn gives you such an order, banish him and take his place.

9. Orders from Valkynaz Lyranth take priority over all orders except those from Molag Bal himself. If an order from Lyranth tells you to brake any of the above rules, then you should still follow her orders.

That is it for this Kynbriefing. Now get back to work, Churls!