A Vehk Egg Scramble Part IV: Children of Egg Trauma, the First Four

the original purpose for calling this series “A Scramble” was to be show it as a collection of a series of random ideas I’ve had regarding Vivec’s role as the Vehk Egg. It should be evident in this chapter, and the next to follow, as I'll be powering through to reach the final two, most important children. When dealing with the Sermons, at times its difficult to separate what is under the colorful language and layers of intended messages (and even unintended ones) to the reader. If you disagree with anything to follow, feel free to give voice. The particular interpretation of the children are not as important as the theme of the narrative.

This is Part IV of the Scramble series focusing on the ”Children” produced from the union of the Vehk Egg to Molag Bal. It’s often said that Vivec in killing the children were a way for him to shed undesired aspects of himself, but I want to take a stab at defining a new take on what those aspects actually could be echoing. Least to say there will be heavy speculation. It also bears mentioning, there is a lot to these Lessons, with plenty of metaphysics and esoteric layers of meaning taking the spotlight. I’m going to try ignoring those for now, and going to focus on creating a narrative to represent what may be underneath to the call forth a potential path the mortal Vehk may have possibly walked.

Back in Part 2 I stated the importance of Bal being barren as long as he contributes nothing to the Mundus, so I speculate that the nine “children” are not simple offspring, but the collection of failed relationships that were damaged and doomed to die as a result of the psychological stain on Vehk’s psyche born from his abuse. After all, aren’t most of our present relationships based on and affected by the relationships we’ve had prior? Just as irl we must not only end past relationships (the good and the bad) for our new intended marriage to our spouses to stand a chance on its own terms, we also must free ourselves of our attachment to the people we used to be involved with, and the emotional baggage we carried on past its ending. The individuals he pierced with Muatra, are the people harmed most by his internal residual trauma. Vivec in godhood killing the monsters is symbolism to him coming to terms with his failed relationships, letting go of his part in their failure, and psychologically and emotionally re-virgining his Egg-form so his marriage to Jubal can succeed on its own terms free of past influence. In the creation of Muatra, Vivec in his past life had discovered how to channel what he learned by abuse to use as a tool to get what he wanted.

>Moon Axle- Sermon Twenty

“The first monster was actually two, having been born twice like his mother-father” Moon Axle was the representation of the first relationship young Vehk experienced. Our first love is often somebody similar to one self, from the same town, attendant of the same schools, and member of the same gang of friends. Perhaps Moon Axle is from the same little hamlet that mortal Vehk spent his childhood, or even from an orphanage the netchmen could have cast him off to. Axle’s twice-birth and immunity to spears can also reflect how he/she was a victim of sexual abuse just like Vehk was. Stand offish and aloof to the regular interactions people had, Axle and Vehk found something familure, and maybe comforting in each other. Vivec was unable to fail in this relationship via his weaponized sexuality “so Vivec had to use the sword not held against him… Luckily, the sword not held was curved and therefore could cut…The sword is estrangement from statesmanship.” This sword of estrangement” is analog to Vehk being unable to connect emotionally with Axle and fulfill the role (statesmanship) a lover should. I believe Moon Axle didn’t initially desire to consummate their relationship; only relenting after Vehk had cut him/her off (forced through estrangement). Only afterwards did Axle relent, and “Vivec rose up in his giant-form, to be terrible to look upon” and took what he wanted, dominating the reflection he saw in Moon Axle, thus Muatra was sated, but Moon Axle could not take being dominated again, and they’d part ways after.

>Treasure Wood Sword- Sermon Twenty-Two

'The Treasure Wood Sword, splinter scintilla of the high and glorious! He who wields it becomes self-known…The warrior-poet appeared as a visitation in the ancestor alcove of House Mora, whose rose-worn prince of garland” Vehk became infatuated with either the lover of a man of importance in house Mora, or a son/daughter of that said individual who thought his house too good to have on of their own consort with one such as who Vivec was. The prince realized the target of Vehk’s affections and confronted Vehk, their discord is reflected as the bonewalker. “'The Treasure Wood Sword will not leave our house” Then Vehk “found the darkest mothers of the Morag Tong” taking out a writ against the prince and had him killed, removing his opposition and maneuvering himself to get the person who was previously out of reach. The desire was all for naught, due to Vivec still not being able to connect in the way he had hoped, retreating back into his provisional house. Perhaps the Tong’s usefulness in this is why he would remember to revisit their darkest mothers in godhood.

>Horde Mountain- Sermon Twenty-Four

In The Real Neravar, “When the Dunmer followed Veloth to Morrowind, they were many warring clans, with no law or leader in common.” Before the Horator, the clans of Houses-to-be skirmished with each other regularly. Marching armies have always had a history of bringing along and aquiring “sexual entertainment.””It was made of modular warriors running free but spaced according to pattern, and from the highest warrior who could cut clouds they spread out beneath him like a tree, a skirt whose bottom circle was an army that ran through the ash.” Vivec as mortal was either captured in a raid, then freed by another war band, or initially Vehk sought to join following a war band of ash warriors and “entertained” the troops. Using his trauma to get what he wanted in exchange for sharing the tents of warriors, Milk-taker brought him gold and mobility he never had before. Thus I believe this is how he made it to the mourning hold where he would eventually meet Neravar. Here he compares the bringing to his new home with the creation of the City that would later bear the god’s name “the bones of Horde Mountain landed and became the foundation stones for the City of Swords.” They brought the young mer to the city, from its image he’d build his own in another life. I also believe he enjoyed his time with the warriors and would honor them when he revisited them post apotheosis. “‘You shall forever be now my Buoyant Armigers,' he said.”

>Pocket Cabal- Sermon Twenty-Six

Once in Mourning Hold Vehk kept up the craft that earned him passage there. “Of Muatra he made a simple walking dwarf.” Beyond a silly kinky game Vivec sometimes played, this implies Vehk had plenty of Johns to train his freelance craft on. The Pocket Cabal is all those nameless Vehk was patroned by. After some time, he gathered a following and reputation as “After a year or two of this thievery, Muatra was sick to its stomach, and the walking dwarf exploded near the slave pens of a wizard's tower.” This caught the attention of a public figure (possible rival, maybe brothel owner, pimp) who spoke publicly against him. “A giant bug appeared, with the greatest eastern wizard (don’t forget belly-magics)… See what you have wrought, silly Triune.” Vehk would maneuver and have the rival removed, “stabbed the wizard through his soul”. The aftermath is as follows, “The giant bug harness fell on the slave cages and the slaves ran about free and reckless” implies that when his rival fell, there was a conflict in the slums, a struggle took place as the rival's patrons aka “slaves” had to find new practitioners of the belly-magics to sate their appetites. Muatra would help Vehk reap the rewards of the chaos, his trauma would touch many a paying customer.

That is going to be it for now for the Scramble focusing on the first four children of Vehk and Bal. As I’ve stated before, my schedule has been really chaotic, so I hope you enjoyed. If not, maybe the the purpose of these interpretations will become clear in Part V, where the final children will be adressed, and they number in the thousands. Until next time…

For other Chapters see links

Part I: An Egg Bearing Preamble

[Part II: ThePomegranate Disorder, Building the Provisional House of Depersonalization] (https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/4tvlzj/a_vehk_egg_scramble_part_ii_the_pomegranate/)

Part III: An Egg With Four Corners

Part V: Remaining Beaten Egg-Children