A Kothringi Prayer

By priest Eral the Odious of Stillrise Village

Through toil and strife you carry us forward, from death you us always wake.

With shining red light you saised us within your shrine, built in the Dawn when all was formless, for the Daedra's sake.

The first Chimer there built a shrine to you, as part of the bargain you struck.

They built it in return for you granting them neverending might and luck.

These Chimer were untrue to the Velothi cause, and mated with the Nedic folk who lived in Dhanuraki Den.

They lived alongside Lizard-folk, Chimer and Wild-Elves, all while praising Z'en.

The Chimer of Baunenil clan were assimilated then, and with the Nedic folk they birthed many a child.

After many thousand years had passed stood there a whole new race, Kothi were they and they inherited Dhanuraki Den in marshes wild.

Kothringi built and expanded your great and ancient shrine, standing together were now both Z'en and Vile.

You would aid the inhabitants of Dhanuraki Den and later Stillrise Village, even when we began coughing bloody bile.

Helushk, Chirah and Suhlak all came to your ancient chapel, and prayed for you to aid them against the Flu, for need was great then.

They tried to pray to the old Nedic god Z'en aswell, but he would not listen.

But you, great Vile, took pity upon us and granted us a gift of eternal life of happiness clad in naked bones.

Ungrateful Chirah denied, but the will of the collective Village cracked the very stones.

Helushk and Suhlahk both accepted, and Korthingi-kind was saved from the horrid Knahaten Flu.

Still to this day dance Kothri-kind within Stillrise Village, they sing your name and love you, Clavicus. All true Kothringi do!