Red Cabal- Underdome

The Book is open'd:

Will you turn the page?...

The page turns of its own free will, as Aka-Tusk has unfolded, the mother entered is dead...

The death-drawing of a swift Voidknife sings behind you. To five corners, the Temple-fire awakens. the mother cut her children, and left them to bleed in the light of Magnus. So the cycle begins anew... the child cries out to the pearl. The pearl drops onto the sea. And as all things do...

it folds unto the one & one.

Greeted nightly with the sweet sensation of falling, like a mirror-droplet waxing-erubescent as it declines upon the Garden air, will you dissolve unto the glass-mire with the rest?

List- a Voice draws thro' the lentor.

"My child, you come in unto the fold welcomed with all Voices as the hatchling-limb to the nurturing of its mother Jill.

"Behold, and cast aglance of Hyper-Jerallinopel, wherefrom emerge as He did out of Fatherland of yore, the shardling drakes of Father-Tusk, and

"Scion of the Lord dances in the glass-mire, heralding Renewal to the North, baring the False liege to retributive fangs.

"Thus, child, hearten. And may the Heartland hearken to the Dragon-yearning. You were born-anew, awakening into the Free-Sept of Covenant as you gave your blood into the Dragon's Chalice.

"Now join the noontide revelry of the North, as Drakemoths send the Word: that God is Come,

"And fire Walks-Away with the Somnusurper.

"And razors cut behind the Black Blasphemer.

"Thus we lift our razors;


"Nu-Mantia; Liberty!"

-Brother Xenon

Related thro' the House-sybil of Ninen-athwart-the-Tor, with more to stammer, stammer...