Velóthi Exodus: The Adversarium of House Dwemer

Invocator of Sul

Perhaps it is now, in this time, that these words become most pertinent, more-than-fable, for they are a history, & a heresy- yet they are the last hope for your Mix'd Paths; I will tell you that your False Cousins the Dwem, who lost themselves in the self-same mire as you sometimes glean in the Four-Corners of your Vision, were once as you were: brash, arrogant, in the throes of youth & beatific rebellion. They were among the best-belovéd of Véloth, your liege. Does that worry you- at all?

In the very early days of Our Walk, after we had attain'd the Promis'd Land, although few yet knew what to do with it, there arose a wise master in the wake of Véloth's teachings, who said, simply:

"The Will of God, was Not to bring Us Here."

In this utterance, he had questioned everything which the Pilgrim-Prophet had set down & set forth, & he was answered by a chorus of revulsion. Yet his students knew what was in his Heart: the master believed in All the Works of Véloth, which was why he paid the respect of questioning them. Was this not the mission of the True People: to render unto Trial all the Old Ideas, & see which proved the strongest?

To the Parents (& Blessings on Them): have you never yet been taught by you own children- whenas they asked you the Question which was so obvious, you had even forgotten the Answer?

Thus it was, the School of this master, alternatively called the Other Shouts, the Deep-Thinkers, & the Adversaries- but we may know them as the Requisite Skeptics- were arraigned to every House, with the intent to mis-interpret:

As each clan closed more & more inward upon itself, it maintained to a Corner the Deep One, the Doubter, the Rust-Shingle who would ignite the Dialogue again & rejuvenate its timbers with dynamic thinking.

But this was the Golden Age of High Velothi culture, & was not to last. For obvious reasons, these Doubters were preyed upon by latter psijics who failed to see their Gift as aught but Foul Dissidence. They were driven out then, to the Last & Last.

Becoming a lowly tribe of cave-dwem, they soon found that a House of only Skeptics has Nothing to call to Question, as a chamber full of Adversaries must find that their Sword

>is nothing without a victim to cleave unto.

-Sermon 35

Nothing. Then this Nothing became the only God of the Dwem. Being all that was left to their mis-interpretations, they sought it ineluctably. They were the requisite Doubters who had become fooled by their own game of queries, for now- & this is what makes them different from their forebears- they now believed in their own Disbelief.

This tome shall be found between the femur of a brass skeleton, & the book Vel-no-Khan carpio Sul on the far book-case in the home of Serjo Ralis Llervu, Narsis. If you find him, behead his phantom & collect your reward from Bal-Sagoth Dren.