The Hist of Mazzatun

By Umkziilax, Elder of the Su-Zahleel tribe

I pity my clutch-mates who have to work day and night for the Xit-Xaht. Stone by stone building this damned city. Will their strife never cease? Tree-Minder Na-Kesh doesn't seem to ever be satisfied. Kaoc! But I know that she only speaks the will of the Hist of Mazzatun, the Tsono-Xuhil. It it what she says, and I know it to be true. The Xit-Xaht have allowed me to wander the ruins freely, tending to the sick and wounded workers. Well, "allowed" may not be the right word, but they are not stopping me. The other Elders of my tribe were all taken away, and I have no clue where. Anyways, as I am able to move relatively freely I have been able to study the Hist that sits atop the city, always tended to by Tree-Minder Na-Kesh. I have not spoken to the Tree-Minder, and she oftentimes looks as if she walks with the Hist itself. It is strange, she seems to be connected to the Hist in a way that I have rarely seen before. She almost seems like an extension of the Tsono-Xuhil. What was I writing about again? Oh right, the Tree. My mind seems to have wandered away from me since I got here, and it has been long since I lost track of time.

The Tsono-Xuhil is sick. That much has been made very clear to me through my research. I can hear it scream, but why I cannot tell. It commands me to build, to cut the stone and lick its sap. But I have resisted it so far, which doesn't seem to be the case for any of my egg-brothers or egg-sisters. Sometimes it sounds like the Hist is in pain, other times as if it is sad or in rage. It bleeds Sap, more Sap than I have ever seen any other Hist bleed. This Hist-tree is very old, possibly older than time itself. From what I can tell it was one of the first trees to grow on Nirn, for it is large and its roots go very deep, feeding of Nirn's very core. The Tsono-Xuhil's roots are everywhere in Mazzatun, some emerge out of the ground miles from where the Tree itself grows. These roots also bleed Sap, great amounts of Sap. Some of the Saxhleel here seem to have consumed too much of that Sap. These poor Argonians seem to have gone alsost feral, building faster than any other of the workers here. I have never seen such a thing happen before, perhaps there is something special in this Hist-Sap. Maybe the Tsono-Xuhil's roots found something dark and evil deep underground, which it is now feeding on. Perhaps the other Hist-trees of Shadowfen have therefore cut their bonds with the Tsono-Xuhil. I don't care much to find out though.

Xuth! I only wish to escape this place. But as long as that Hist rules over Mazzatun I fear that that will be impossible. Perhaps I'll die in here, and no one will be able to read my research. I just hope that the Hist here doesn't take the Saxhleel who die here as its own, because I can hardly imagine how much suffering those poor souls would go through, or how much suffering the Hist itself is going through.