A Vehk Egg Scramble Part V: The Remaining Beaten Egg-Children

In the last installment of the Scramble, we took a look at the first 4 children from the Vehk Egg’s marriage with Molag Bal. As I stated then, I believe the children are all the actions of Vivec’s past he need to reconcile, as they were spawned from his abused childhood. Only in defeating his own Demons of his own creation, could Vivec rise out of erasing the influence his father figure, his abuser, had on him. We’ll continue speculating on today with the ones who remain. We will continue to build a narrative on a possible life a mortal Vehk may have lead in a world remade, to better understand how Vivec prepared himself for his marriage to Jubal and the Amaranth that would be their child.

Why do we do this? Well, Vivec commanded this of us when he covered his words in his Book of Hours in Sermon Thirty-One “Then Vivec threw his ink on this passage to cover it up (for the lay reader) and wrote instead: Find me in the blackened paper, unarmored, in final scenery.”

When we last left the mer to be Vivec, he had made his way to the Mourning hold, and scratched out his living practicing the arts of “belly-magics” He learned at the hands of his childhood abuser.


>The Ruddy Man- Sermon Twenty-Eight

The Ruddy Man was an image of a form taken by Molag Bal in a previous dreugh ruled world. “He took a different shape then, spiny and armored and made for the sea. Vivec, in giving birth to the many spawn of his marriage, had dropped an old image of Molag Bal into the world.” I believe this tells of another Trauma in his life. The Ruddy Man is only another person doing to him what Molag Bal did to him before, and that was rape. An unfortunate side effect of the line of work Vehk had chosen was it exposes you to risk, and you don’t need to imagine what can happen when negotiations with a potential customer fails, and they decide to just take what was offered for money. Vivec in an alternate life was raped again, not just once but twice, as “The Ruddy Man appeared again.” This caused Vehk to dramatically change the way he did business, or as I like to think, try to give up his belly trade all together. “You may make of The Ruddy Man a philosopher's armor,” He took measures to protect himself from being abused in the same way again. Here I believe he likely gave up street-walking, and began looking for healthier attachments.


>City-face- Sermon Thirty

I believe Vehk gave up the streetwalking lifestyle he had been leading, and tried to connect to a single person again. This person would be somebody known and popular among the lower class part of the city they inhabited, “an esoteric wind nerve tuned to the frequency of huddled masses.” A man of the town, if you will, likely a heavy drinker and partier, a person made after Sanguine’s own heart. Vivec likely seen his involvement with such a person as validation, to be with someone everybody looked well at, wanted to befriend or couple with (hence the Grabbers). Vehk likely tried to push for commitment. However, as is often the case with such individuals, his intended would not stop secretly seeking the beds of others, “Ha-Note moved sideways into the Adjacent Place, growing and unbeknownst. Above the vocal, it trembled with new emotions, immortal ones, absorbing more than the thirty known to exist in the middle world. When Ha-Note became gravely homesick, the Grabbers took it.” Vivec’s mortal self put up with many an adulterous fling, until he could no longer stand it. “At which he stabbed the heart of the City-Face with the Ethos Knife,” to arm yourself with Ethos is to wield the moral high ground against another. Vehk would end this relationship, realizing it was the best thing for him, as City-face was only using him. “You would replace my direction,' he said. ’I weary of this, though I wanted to kill (break up with) you an age before.”


>Lie Rock- Sermon Thirty-Three

The Pomegranate Eggspawn Lie Rock, alias of Baar Dau, is probably the oddest of Vehk’s creations, as we get to actually walk on it. “Born of His Second Aperature” and the practice of piercing of said Aperatures being later forbidden, births curiosity true, but we will sidestep the obvious metaphors and try a different take. I believe we can view the story of Lie Rock as Vehk returning to his streetwalking, but under a new, more controlled practice. Vehk would now collect and sell secrets. He’d carefully choose his clientele, and take away with him more than just their milk, but their dirtiest of hidden laundry. As his targets engaged in pillow-talk, they would “not take it for the monster that it was and did not expect it to fly from his hand and into the heavens.” He would not just sell the secrets though; there was more profit to be made via blackmail. When he came to collect, those blackmailed would see him “like a toll-road of hell,” with mandatory offerings every time their path crossed his. This is the real reason he froze it in place and kept its threat alive, “'I would have done so myself if I wanted, silly Hortator. I shall keep it there with its last intention intact, so that if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction.” In holding up the Truth (of which he made a Ministry) as a threat, Vehk now held power, along with the means to pay for his livelihood. The Moon we see over his city also served as a prison, as well as holy relic, keeping the worst of those that inhabited the city. The frozen comet was an echo of what he done to many before; it held all his people’s dirty secrets, as well as his own. The real threat of Baar Dau was not its mass crashing down, but the threat was that all of your shit, all my shit, all of all our shit, would one day bite us and destroy us. However, by loving the god Vivec, we can ignore out past secret misdeeds whose consequences loom over our heads, only Vivec could offer you respite and avoid reprisal.

>Gulga Mor Jil- Sermon Thirty-Four

The second to last and strongest of Vehk’s children, I believe this monster is the most tragic of Vehk’s failed relationships. This is one in which he tried to see through, only “his nature” got in the way. Gulga Mor Jil did nothing wrong, and Vehk only hurt him with his trauma. When they parted ways, Mor Jil took it hard, “he asked why he should have to die and return to oblivion.” Vehk hurt Mor Jil through their association, his guilt evident by Vivec offering his echo the same loving prayer he gave his mother’s memory. Vehk did care for Gulga Mor Jil, but it was not to be, he couldn’t out do his trauma to be good for him. Mor Jil finally accepted the separation though, “The monster accepted Muatra with a peaceful look and his bones became the foundation” of the future successful marriage Vivec would push towards.


That I believe is going to do it for the Scramble for now. I hope these interpretations were slightly more entertaining that the last installment. Next time, (or at least an upcoming chapter) on the Scramble, we will look at the last major relationship of mortal Vehk, his mightiest child that was tainted by his trauma, The Horator himself, Indoril Neravar.

Oh, right, in a previous chapter I teased about Vivec having thousands of children, that’s true. In Sermon Twelve, “the sons and daughters of Vivec and Molag Bal number in the thousands.” For you see, All of the Dunmer, arguably All of Tamriel have felt the sting and been affected by his trauma. He struck us all with Muatra with his apotheosis into godhood, we all bear the weight of his actions consequences. We all are the biters and their progeny turned bone shapes that Vivec loved, and would have to erase.


Let me know what you think of my take on the children, or hell, give your own interpretation of what they can say about a mortal Vivec (I have like 2 or three others for the Pocket Cabal in the last chapter edit like the "walking dwarf" being a tuck-job lol). Until next time…


Previous Chapters

Part I: An Egg Bearing Preamble

Part II: The Pomegranate Disorder, Building the Provisional House of Depersonalization

Part III: An Egg With Four Corners

Part IV: Children of Egg Trauma

Part VI: Psjjjj, The Endeavor And A Side (Psijic) Order

Edited: spelling, added words and links