The Nature of the Celestial Serpent

By Fathea af-Za'amatha, Ophidian Exarch of Unceasing Whispers

How could I have been such a fool? I never should have trusted Regent Unahab when he came to me and told me of the Scaled Court. How could I ever have loved that filth? The Serpent is a lie, the whole Scaled Court is a lie! All initiates of the Scaled Court have been lied to, and it is only because of that that anyone remains in this eternally cursed cult. You have all been told that if the Serpent's plan succeeds you will rise above your current existence, and become gods. But it is nothing but pure and venomous lies. For the Serpent wishes nothing else than destruction and death for all Mundial beings. The Serpent only wishes the Worldskin to turn, and for the Mundus to return to the Dawn. It is true that the Serpent's physical form was once Mortal, and walked the sands as a man in another time. But the soul of the Serpent is that of Sep, and he has been tricked into becoming a loyal slave to Satakal. I shall share with you what I have learned as an Ophidian Exarch, and what I have heard from the Serpent itself.

In another age he who would become the Serpent walked the sands as a mortal. But Satakal whispered into the man's ear, and told him to walk as a Star. Satakal made him follow the constellation of the Serpent, and walk like the stars it contained. After many months and many years the man had succeeded in the star-walk, and Satakal could no longer see any difference between the man and the Serpent. This pleased Satakal, and Satakal took the Serpent and whispered lies into its ear. These lies filled the Serpent with anger and sorrow, and he felt hatred towards the Mundus and Tall Papa. The Serpent was tasked with feeding Nirn to Satakal, so that the Worldskin could turn and the Mundus could regain its innocence. So the Serpent spread the lies of Satakal to the other Stars, and he convinced the once honourable Warrior and the once wise Mage to assist him. Together they are now trying to feed this world to Satakal, and destroy us all. Do not listen to the Serpent's lies! Return to the path Tall Papa made for us, his children. Leave the Scaled Court before it is too late, and Satakal sheds and consumes this Worldskin.

Sekkal Zahiqq, Sep a Satakal ronik upe bahrathe