The Other Spirits

Why is it, in all our learnéd corners we have let ourselves be ruled by this dangerous monomythism? Is it a Psijica ploy, or a remnant of oure Alesstic forebears? Any scholar who was worth his salts could walk up to a Niben-mother or a totemist or catty to inquire after the little hearth gods & the middle-air ada, but we don't. Why don't we?

Addendum: we do when they fit the schema or can be liquified & drizzl'd into oure familiar mould.

Simply render'd: no matter the mythos we shove it into the Compensatory formula or else must overlook it. Where is the Ebonarm, where Sai, Ius in oure mythography?- or must we replace all the names with the Eight or Nine mandatory characters in order to lift oure heads? What's the purpose of the mono-model if nothing stands to gainsay it, when Oure Saints stand idle in the backdrop, untouch'd by any serious scholarship; & is that it?- are we so bound to oure rutty olden ways that only the Greater Gods seem worth the time of day? That'd be a dead education, indeed, & nothing to be pay'd for by any cyro-prince's parents when they ship him off to Gwyllim or the Royal Institute. For what?- to be spoonfed more of the same ol' & the lame ol'.

There's a world between THEM & us ignored wholesale. What of the rite-naméd? Etadachiel & Padachiel, Sariel & Barakiel, the Unnamed Baron & Kha-bul-Nuit just to list a few. Where are they in oure research notes?

Students & Teachers of this well-educated class, elucidate these loose ends, for the love of the Emperor the Great. I have my owne thoughts on them; where are yours?