Tales of a Snowtribe: The Viper Dream-Stealer

The continuation of a tale from an old Clanholder to the former Ashlander tribe's youth.

Harken back to our fireside children, the horker flesh treats will help guard you against the these artic winds. No, no, we’ve only wolf skins for you to share amongst yourselves. What? No there isn’t a three eyed bugaboo hiding in your yurt. Don-Desar! What I tell you about the Boy-Who-Cried-Troll? Alright, settle, settle, you buzzing cliff racers, I’ve my tale to resume. You better take these tales to heart, for they’ll help you turn from the bumbling Alits you are, into ferocious Kagouti. What’s an Alit? It’s a dumb two legged walking mouth. Enough! I’m telling you of Khan-father Anab-Renabi, Champion of us Jimmuyumi. Now I’ve you s’wit’s ears, the great Ashkhan was attempting to eat the troubled visions of his wise woman Kenzazah, so he may receive her wizened words unclouded.

By ancient ritual they tried to exchange the twilight blessed divinations, but as brave Anab-Renabi began to see, his sight was diverted along coils of meaningless nightmares. “What spectral creature dares deprive me and my beloved tribesmen our guidance? Show thyself!” He demanded. A sly voice responded “Mine Mother bidsss me to Eat thessse Image Horrorsss To Come, Be-Gone mortal morsssel, you Know Not where thy Tread!” The Khan-father was not amused, and commanded Kenzazah to wrap her legs around his lap then bring dirk to his flesh, so Mighty Malphal would allow him to see this obstacle spirit. In the coital rite Anab-Renabi spied where the Incubi Viper hid, as a coil slinked inside the Wise Woman’s mouth.

The Ashkhan took hold this coil and pulled with all his might, only to feel the tug at his own throat. Harder he strained, reciting the secret prayer he learned from his father’s lineage. Until finally the Viper was expelled from All Our Throats, knocking all of Morrowind off their feet. Confusion set in as once rasped voices cleared and fell foreign. He then beheld the Pet of Vaermyne, dreaded Ghost Snake. “Insssolent Grabber, You Will Not avert Mine Meal! These Visssionsss are ripe with ssseedsss Mine Mother will ussse to fuel dreamterrorsss in thousssandsss.” The wraith snake hissed.

The noble Anab-Renabi starred straight through the Viper’s eyes and proclaimed in his first cleared words, “So it was through YOU the blighted Ur found avenue to our pillows! Do not take me for a flat chested Mabrigash! We’ve no use for your false motifs here! Rude Serpent, you know not to whom YOU speak! I am Ashkhan! Mine heart is that of JYM-MUH YU-MYE, and you dare tread in mine chest! I am housed in the Yurt of the Three Great Posts, that of BOET-AZUR-MEPHAL. I know your bitch Vaermyne’s true self, that of Envy! We are forged of the True Nightmare, you will no longer steal our hard fought toils from our slumber. By BOET-HI-AH I'll show you our TRUTH! If your N’wah Spawner wishes a flavor of OUR dreaming, sample THIS!”

Strong Anab-Renabi then reached out and took hold of the Viper’s tongue, and gave it the taste of life’s Three Blood-Raptues. That of Birth, then the Marriage-spawning, and then at last Death. The Phantom Viper then shuddered and flailed, as the bitterness of mortality filled it’s mouth. The Ashkhan continued, “That’s not Last, DreamVenom! You and your Vile parent are the underskin of the Nightmare’s center, but that too first was birthed in and after SHADOW! I’ve shown you mine yurt-posts, but you forget they’re housed under it’s cover… ALSO IN SHADOW!” With this revelation told, Anab-Renabi pulled on the wicked Ghost Snake’s tongue, severing it from it’s self shadow. The Shadow Snake was freed and it hissed at its other self-image.

The Ghost and Shadow Serpents writhed around each other in a battle of contradiction, until they stood apart at a stalemate. The Ghost Snake jeered, “Vaermyne, I must depart, for one is always deadlocked with it’s dark mirror!” The Ghost Snake slinked back to Ashen-Oblivion.

Then the wise Khan ate up the Shadow Snake and kept it back unto his people’s throats. With renewed rasped voice he said unto the wise woman, “We will continue to carry this larynx scar, to guard against this 5th Corner’s return. I have made it apart of our own shadows, so mine people might slumber in peace.”

Kenzazah smiled, and said, “ Boet-Azur-Mephal, you lead us well. Let me now submit to you mine prophecy, as it has cleared, then we will speak of these visitors.”

For you see this is why we of his Snowlander tribe speak with the old harsh voices, while those pretender Velothi now utter with the soft manner of Men. Off to your bedskins now, I’ll tell you of the wise woman’s dream-gift from Azura another Dusk. Sleep well young Kagouti, and if the Nocturn dreams begin to frighten, remember to pull the Snake from your shadow, and then chase Vaermyne's influence away. Boet-Azur-Mephal, fair night.

edit, would this tale be better served with the "Ghost Snake" name changed to something like "Dream-thief Snake" instead?