Daedra Havens

“Daedra Haven”

A Plane of Oblivion inhabited by rogue lesser Daedra who have escaped from the princes they were previously subservient to. There have been several of these planes, the known ones are listed here with some information about their environment and inhabitants.


The largest known Daedra Haven and first to be discovered, DH-001 is a large city aproximately the size of the Imperial City. It is largely inhabited by Dremora, Golden Saints, and Dark Seducers, with the occasional Auroran or Xivilai, who are highly respected and often employed as bodyguards due to their large stature. There are Scamps and Hernes here living in the sewers. Clannfear run rampant, also living in the sewers and sometimes trained for Blood-Sport. Daedroths are also used in such fights. Winged Twilights are rare, but there are a few. The Spider Daedra are few and far between. There are no Ogrim, it is unknown why.


No longer exists, circumstances unknown.


Destroyed by Mehrunes Dagon, was formerly inhabited by Dremora which are assumed to have been brought back to the Deadlands.


Abandoned, all inhabitants moved to DH-001, circumstances unknown.


A Philosopher's plane, the Daedra that come here do so to study the workings of the Aurbis. Much smaller than DH-001. Run by a Seeker named Tszamtseratz.

edit: yes, this is for a mod.

edit edit: Revised based on suggestions.