Campfire Tales of a Snowtribe: The Prophecy Given

An old Clanholder's tale to the tribe’s youth. See here for the story's beginning.

B’vek young ones! How fast you gather round this night! It is wise that you do thusly, as the Ancestors most easily gaze upon us when their sight is cast outwards from our flame. They are always with us you see, riding the anxious breeze. They help guard and guide us, help hide and shelter us from the woeful corners. They embraced you in t’lonya, and when your body dies you’ll count their company on the other side of the gate of the sacred flame. Nchow! Don’t you scribs go runabout, like those thinkless bearded men! We are the Snowtribe Jimuyumi, who escaped the Red Justice and left behind the Ashfields we called home for Eras past. I shall continue the tale of Khan-father Anab-Renabi, as he received Azura’s blessing, and due warning. Make sure you listen well...


As the Ashkhan and wise woman joined in sacred ritual, and they recited poem-prayers know only to their position. They exchanged the visions the serpent delighted on. Anab-Renabi began to see with eyes made of Moons and Stars. Kenzazah placed around his neck a necklace of joint bones from his fathers past, and lit a fire to guide their spirits to his aid. She then held fast onto his feet, lest he get lost in future walkings, or lead astray by paths not yet visited.

The Khan-father beheld great Azura, standing atop the mouth of Red Tester with a Scarab in hand. From the ashfont she pointed southward, to the city built on the back of a huge Beast Crab. Then he saw it, a bloodied Sanguine Diamond outside the city. The diamond shattered, and in its place four arms of calamity reached out of the ash laden earth.

The arms clapped together, and folded themselves to form an Impatient Door. Nix-hounds flocked through the gate and had their vials lifted, revealing Nix-faced dremora, hungry for spirits both living and departed. They mustered arms and flowed onto the Crab-city like a Foyada, leaving only scorched earth in their wake. They burned and pillaged the town, and left in its center a name written in blood. The name read DAGON.

Next he saw a twice-birthed city on water, where there was the Fecal Stone in the sky of the whore-mer who had wore a mask image of Melphala. He witnessed the two-toned exaggerator with dung-covered hands abandon his Ministry of Falsehoods, and let loose his excrement on the gullible inhabitants. Brave mages toiled to push back the Fecal Stone, but only delayed it. The stone fell and smote the city to ruin, and caused a quake of impact that made Dagon green with envy.

Then his sight returned to Azura, where Boethiah and Malphala had now joined her. Azura placed the held Scarab upon the Khan-father’s brow. Boethiah spoke to him “YOU NOW KNOW THE SCHEMES AGAINST YOU, NOW PLOT BACK AGAINST THEM.” Mephala added, “MAKE LOVE TO YOUR ENEMIES TO MURDER THEM SWEETER.” Azura looked down sweetly on Anab-Renabi and gave her prophecy.

“After Crowned Dragon’s death

Revolution will be unhindered on the world

The Rock of Lies will strike down with old purpose

The false three, gone but not forgotten

We shall baptize the Sheild-Fallen in fire

To cleanse our people of their taint

But little Scarab, your clan stayed truly Triune

And must skitter across sea and lands for a new Burdened Hearth

And carry tribesmen upon your back for ten years

You were forged by this land of fire, but must end tempered by snow

Escape our Rapture of Flame, that will purify our astrayed”

The Three Deadra Lords reached down and touched Red Mountain, and it exploded, leaving ancient Resdayn rebirthed to ruin.

Anab-Renabi awoken, the wise woman looked in his eyes.

Kenzazah asked, “Saw it did you? Then you know what it means?”

“Aye” He responded, “Let us meet with our visitors, you will teach them of their folly.”

“To what purpose?” she asked

“We will pillow with the House Mer for now, so our knives have easier times finding their throats. Their deaths are assured, but we will use them against coming corners first, until before the Shuddering Justice has come.”


So now you know the dream-vision that brought us to this snow laden plain. The Three blessed us but seen we were long forged strong and began to be immune to the fire lashings of our old Ashlands. That is why they brought us to these frost covered lands, as the cold is as ever harsh as fire, and we are not calloused against it. Here they will temper us into better blades, lead by a Scarab to birth another. To your familure yurts children, Dusk has passed. Sleep well young kwama, we’ll continue the tale another twilight. Boet-Azur-Mephal, dream well.