Mysterious Putaro

Putaro means "The Fighting Pit". Tananak means "True Home". Atmoru means "Old Forest". Only the Ka, the Po, or the Tun could tell you what "Shen Shei" ever meant.

Putaro is the land of Mad Spires. Its inhabitants, the Muj and Jelkana, have never known peace, for the remnants of La the Architect's madness drive them to continuous bloodshed. If they had any sanity they would have left for Tananak long ago. For we are the "gods' peace", the "willed future made now". Why else have they sought our shores again and again throughout history?

The East of Putaro is divided into a harsh, volcanic North, and a lush, swamp South. The Muj of the North-East, the Dunmuj, are dark skinned and red eyed. They once shunned the gods and built living cities of gears and steam, but have since abandoned them and turned to worship of the kin on the other side. They hold Yin the Dawn Uncle above all others in their pantheon. In the time of King Zenni of the Po they were ruled under three wizard-kings, but recent ambassadorial visits have confirmed the collapse of that system.

The Southeast... does it need an introduction? Is there any schoolchild not fed campfire tales of Jelkana lurking in the night? Jeltik is the mightiest empire of Putaro. An endless swamp where the Rack trees grow in fields like wheat. The Jelkana are the terror of their neighbours, raiding helpess villages for blood to feed the Rack, who in turn engineer the massive tree-ships that have raided our shores since the dawn of history. They seek to unite the Rack of both our lands. Eternal vigilance must be held against this, lest we witness the end of the world.

The centre of Putaro is dominated by Bravil. A land of jungles and rivers, the Muj of this land are industrous and organized, if a bit ant-like and mindless. They are ruled by Reman-ah, an immortal god-king born of the land itself, whose "voice is the long winter and whose hand is a killing light". The heretics of the mad-prophet Koolaminus Yar believed him to be the prophesied "king of heaven" and set sail for the West in year 456 of Potentate Venir Shak. They were never heard from again.

Putaro's South is the hundred desert-kingdoms of the KhaMuj. They somewhat resemble the cat-like Po, although their demeanour is more Ka-like. They hate the Jelkana with a burning passion. Forbidden from using wood or metal, they will tear apart any lizard folk they see with their hands and teeth before eating the remains. Currently embroiled in a civil war.

The North of Putaro is simply known as "Giant Land". The Muj of this land are meek and pitiful, constantly hiding from the gigantic trolls that wander the frozen tundra, bellowing mighty roars that shake the mountains and knock down armies.

The West of Putaro, the Sunset Iles, are home to the most peculiar Muj of all, the Himuj. They are necromancers beyond measure. At birth they resemble other Muj, but as they age and master the dark arts their bodies become swollen and grotesque, to the point where they more resemble giant slugs. Strangely they are highly respected for their taste in the arts, leading to a complicated relationship with the culture of the mainland.

Stay alert reader, for there is nothing shorter lived than a crowded fighting pit. When the dust has cleared and one Putaron nation stands above all the others they will look outward for new challenges. Violence is their nature. Guard the True Home.