A Heretical Letter to House Sul, on Neravar's Shadowed Anticipation

To Kena Relas of House Sul,


This is my third attempt at contact with you since leaving Morrowind for the Rift. I have no way of knowing if the other letters reached you or not, but I fear my recent associations could have made my couriers targets for the Comonna Tong, for I’ve witnessed their dealings with the cat-caravans near the border. I’m forced to forward this missive to you through a network of scholarship, so don’t be surprised if you find these intermediary parties’ commentary attached in addition to this original parcel. (so this post is open for all commenters, feel free) Perhaps some will add extra light onto the subject.

If you recall our discussion not too long ago, I mentioned a heretical notion that our Saint Neravar could have been Anticipatied by the Deadric Prince Nocturnal. It was due to our exchange I began reaching out to our local Theives Guilds (as I’ve heard of their alleged association with the Mother Shadow) only to find those chapters were only introduced when the Imperial hordes were allowed to enter our motherland. That is why I set out for Skyrim, to the Nordic Hold of Riften. My connections lead me to believe that the Thieves Guild chapter here to be much older and have a newly deepened link to their Deadric patron.

I found the city a resounding squalor, but you could tell that some pocket, we’ll certain pockets, were heavy and ripe for plucking by certain inclined talents. It took me only a few days to make contact with a particularly well connected nordic man. I did him some favors, then he revealed himself a well connected member of my target Guild. I took a job from him which with great effort I was able to pull off (for you see, though I’ve never been a member of the Morag Tong myself, I too pride myself in the proficiency of the skills taught to our people by great Mephala as well). On return, I was paid well with information for my toil, and found the guild's hidden hall flowing with new revelations.


It was revealed that the guild had long been controlled and regulated by a secretive Trinity of Nocturnal’s contracted Agents. The group’s existence was long fabled, but now was known openly, something about a recent shift in leadership past. This meant that all along, the Thieves Guild had always been a Nocturnal cult under it's surface. I’ll forward you my detailed notes when I return to Morrowind, but for now here are some interesting connections I found between our Dunmeri Tribunal, the Hortator, and these so called Nightingales.


When one is initiated by contract to be one of Nocturnal’s Agents, they choose one of 3 archetypes to become, Agents of Strife, Shadow, or Subterfuge.

The Agent of Subterfuge is represented by a Half Moon (a two-toned duality), which parallels with Mephala/Vivec as they too exist in contradiction. Mastery enables them to pull the right strings of any situation to manipulate others to a desired outcome (often bloody). This Agent’s blessing caused foes to turn in on themselves to divide and conquer from the shadows. The Webspinner and Warrior-Poet Spindster fit well compared to these Nocturnal champions.

The Agent of Shadow, represented by a Crescent Moon (akin to Moon and Star no less, also mostly darkened toned), embodies the Mystery of the unseen. Azura/Sotha Sil can be compared. This Agent’s blessing grants them invisibility, and What else is Mystery cept hidden truths veiled in illusion from minds that cannot perceive them?

The Agent of Strife is represented by a Full Moon (wholly one Golden tone) and it’s blessing openly damages opponents while healing the Agent. This could be simular to the Mercy Seat, Boethiah/Almalexia, the shadow figure most often seen in the light and open. They struck out against those who lead us towards folly, and restoring us with their eating.


Nocturnal’s artifact, the Skeleton Key. Here they claim to know it’s true power. They claim that what it can truly unlock is a person’s innermost potential, not merely any door or chest lock. Were not the Tools of Kagrenac also used by the mortal Triune to unlock their Godly Potential?

Here in Skyrim, sources also mention an Ebonmere, a direct portal to and from Evergloam, Nocturnal’s realm. Deceased Nightingale spirits are said come back from this shadow font and bring luck and fortune to thieves. Does this not remind you of our own Ancestors and our Waiting Doors? And aren’t we Dunmer the greatest thieves of all, as we secretly steal this Arena’s true purpose, as schemed by the Scarab and shown to us by Boethiah long ago?

The Grey Cowl is another of the Hidden Prince’s artifacts. Once stolen, it would erase any wearer’s identity from being truly known. Is that not remind you of the Hortator Neravar’s face? Almsivi, his faithful Trinity of Thieves, cut it from his body when they took his Skeleton Key to use for selfish purposes. They then placed the Hortator Cowl on their faceless warrior drones, the Ordinators.


I’ve still am yet to solve the mysteries of this Heresy, but there are enough clues to warrant continued research into Neravar’s hidden Anticipation, and I promise you that its answer lies in SHADOW. And perhaps the mortal Tribunal were only the Nightingales which sang to our hearts after emerging from Neravar’s bloodied shadow.

I submit my findings to your illustrious House. Perhaps your own library contains sources that these findings can be scrutinized or confirmed by (as I have heard it is impressively filled with texts both profound and even heretical). I hope you find this information and parallels to stimulate you intellect. Until our next communication, dearest Muthsera.



even though this is a roleplayed letter addressed directly to u/Serjo_Relas_Andrano, everyone's comments and impressions should be freely submitted to the comments below. Targeting him with this submission is just my way of giving him some credit from our previous talks and his profound influence.

Edited, spelling, changed/added words