In the Depths, 2

Third Waking,
I had decided that enough was enough when I roused myself that waking. I was eating a small breakfast when I had reached my decision and gathered what I could to leave. Lining my leather armor and gear with the rubbings of various indigenous fungus, I set out to leave this yawning void beneath the ground to its twisted creatures. I retraced my steps easily enough and smiled when the lift came in sight.

My elation had been short lived when I observed the various scuttling creatures that served their pale masters. And amongst them were the Falmer themselves.

They were making camp.

A shiver of fear had run through me when I saw this. Were they waiting for me? Were they simply dealing with a security threat in their own primitive- if cunning- manner?

Regardless of the answer, I knew I couldn't go back the way had come. Panic had threatened to consume me, and I shamefully admit to nearly jumping from my skin when the murmurs began. It was that passing of the hour that stiffened my resolve however. I would NOT remain trapped in this deceivingly beautiful place.

I would see the sky above my head free of stone again. Somewhere this massive had to possess other avenues of escape. Thinking of my shelter and the style it had been built, I knew that the Dwarves had carried at least a passing interest in this cavern. And for all we don't know of Dwarves, we know they were clever. Too clever said many of the contacts I had made in Morrowind.

They would not have made only one exit.

Unless... they did love their secrets. Would they have made a single entrance and exit point...?

The thought had been- and still is- too chilling to entertain.

My once scholarly expedition it seems will become one of escape.

(The ink to the next line is streaked somewhat)

I stopped writing an hour ago. It seems safe now. There had been the softest of sounds at the door. It reminded me entirely too much of scratching. I've taken to magically locking the door.

I can only hope that will work.

Back to my previous writing...

I began to pick my way along the dark paths of this black world. I stayed mostly near the walls of the cavern, thankful for the compass which I had enchanted to always point towards my field base. This cavern was much larger than I had thought at first.

I continued trekking through this quiet, and it was then I realized how strange noise seemed to operate here in the darkness. I had come upon another of the mining camps I had seen during my previous waking.

It was as the pick axes dug into the stone I noticed that the sound of the striking didn't carry. At least not in the way it should have. I was perhaps twenty feet away before I had begun to hear the suggestion of the sounds of work, and perhaps half that before I was forced to backpedal in surprise when I came upon the workers, working with no words or life on their features, their masters stalking amongst them.

I found a relatively secure hiding spot pressed close to a stalagtite. I watched the workers carefully depositing their hauls onto a sled, and when it would grow full another surface dweller would begin to draw it away as another sled was brought forth. The new sled puller would grab a pickaxe and begin working at the stone.

It was... very effecient.

I saw a man- his body wiry, thin and undernourished- falter in his swing. The Falmer nearest him screeched something indecipherable. The man made no reply, simply continuing his work with a more hurried pace.

Another of the Falmer wandered near him, this one holding a staff. He began to work faster. The staff wielder hissed and the first Falmer dragged the man to his knees. He finally did cry out, begging as a cruel curved sword was lifted. Into the chest went the blade and I thought that would be the end of it.

Instead, with a wave of the staff, the man rose again, as if pulled up by invisible strings, and went back to work. There was no falter this time.

And, in a wretched turn of luck, my foot slid upon a stone. The click-clack of the stone bouncing away tore a shudder through my spine. I looked back up at the group. Blind Falmer faces were turned towards my direction with what I could easily imagine as snarls on their faces. The workers were perfectly still, their expressions blank. The risen man was marching in my direction, pickaxes in both hands.

I rose as quietly as possible to retreat, scaling down a short cliff and retreated near to a stream that flowed on swiftly. I imagined I heard the undead thrall moaning behind me. Again my time with the Ashlanders had saved me. A warrior of the tribe had once conveyed to me that Mephala had taught the People of Veloth to avoid their enemies with stealth and kill them with secret murder.

I am a staunch devotee to the Eight Divines (though not to the point of the overzealousness as the Vigilants can be), but I admit to being thankful of the teaching of the Dunmer as it may have well saved my life then. The creature had indeed followed me, and I remained firmly pressed against the wall of the small rise. I watched the undead animation search for me for some time. I dared not move and I barely breathed for fear that the animator was near to its creation.

In that moment I could not help but to think of the woman as the wretched Falmer fell upon here from above.

Was I to share that poor wretch's fate? I remember that thought very clearly.

Eventually- as though the zombie's master had wearied of the search- I watched the horror shuffle away.

It was good to know that these creatures could practice necromancy, as the less I knew of my asdversaries, the greater my disadvantage.

It was terrifying to know that should I be forced to fight any foe I slew could become a weapon against me.

I've searched all I can for this day and look forward to sleep.

(Here the script becomes unsteady and appears of a different hand)
Must leave

(The script returns to normal after this)
Fourth Waking,
I don't think I wrote that... I know I didn't write that. But there it is. Written as if... as if someone else had been here with me.

My thoughts turn to skeleton. The one sitting just outside of the door to this field base. Was this a message from whoever that individual was. Could they be trying to tell me to leave their resting place or... were they warning me?

I am going to search further on today. Maybe I can find a new path, another lift if I travel deeper.

I returned a few hours later, my search bore no fruit for another lift. But I found something else. Deep in the darkness I found lights. Not like the flora that grows all about, but more like what lights I had seen above in Raldbthar.

I found a great Dwarven Ruin. I have no knowledge of what name it may have possessed in Eras past. But I saw the slouched shapes of the Falmer moving amongst the ramps and bridges. A great orb of light, some Dwarven construction I am certain. Below this light I peered through bars made of the Dwarven golden-brass metal and saw the horrifying source of my rudimentary time keeping.

Huddled around an altar were more surface dwellers, kneeling as though in prayer. The turning of the hour came as I observed them. In unison... they began to scream. What in the distance had been murmurs now were screaming.

This was how the creatures kept their time. After the ten minutes had passed, they were all silenced. I say they were silenced and not that they grew quiet because of how suddenly and eerily all simply ceased to scream. One moment to the next, there was screaming and suddenly nothing. In complete unison.

I felt a terror I had never known before in all of my life. I was rooted to my spot and watched as those that had screamed all rose- again in unison- and left their positions. Another group of people replaced them. None of them, I noticed, were Nords.

I found my moment to disappear then.

I noticed on my trek back there were more Falmer and their beasts about. Like they were searching...

The door is locked. My fear is making me hear things... I thought, for a brief moment I heard... sniffing. Right over there... by the door...

(The script changes again)
Wings in the Dark

(The continuation of In the Depths)