Tale of the Bent Cats, a Khajiiti Legend

This is a translation of an old Ta'agra tale by Clanmother Dar-Jishazi of Alabaster, ordered by the No'Raqqi Sisterhood of Ra-Yoku'Iquizzi so that Khajiiti culture and religion could be spread to those Walkers of the Sands who are born furless. - Sa'jesha, translator and scholar

Long Before the Dawn Lorkhaj was born by Fadomai the first Mother Cat in the darkest darkness. Lorkhaj fell onto the world on a puddle of his mother's blood, for cruel Ahnurr beat Fadomai for deceiving him and granting him more litters than he wished to care for. Ahnurr had intent on slaying Lorkhaj, for in his mind a kitten born in darkness was not a kitten worth keeping. But Lorkhaj was already a clever cat, and fled from Ahnurr as soon as he had escaped his mother. When the wounded and dying Fadomai had said farewell to all of her kittens Ahnurr ripped out her heart and with it he created the Eternal Sands, which he gave to his beloved daughter Khenarthi, who was born of the first litter. Ahnurr then went to search for Lorkhaj, but Lorkhaj had entered the Great Darkness that existed since before existence itself, and there dared Ahnurr not tread. But as Lorkhaj entered the Great Darkness the Great Darkness also entered him. Within the frightened Lorkhaj the Great Darkness found purpose and named itself Namiira. Namiira whispered into Lorkhaj ears and showed him the Bent Dance, which Namiira had made from Lorkhaj's fear and sorrow. So Lorkhaj became the first m'Athra and joined Namiira in her cause to bringing death and misery to Ahnurr's beloved creation.

After many phases of the Moon-Gods Ahnurr had made himself part of his creation and had become the God-Head. Then Lorkhaj came out of the Great Darkness and joined his litter-mates, but Namiira refused to leave Lorkhaj's mind and remained there, whispering bent truths to Lorkhaj. Fadomai had with her dying breath told her daughter Nirni to fill Ahnurr's creation with children, but after a time Nirni found that there were was not place for any more children in Ahnurr's creation. Nirni told Lorkhaj of her problem, and Lorkhaj took pity on her. He promised Nirni that he would create a new world where she could give birth to many more litters. But Namiira whispered to Lorkhaj and told him that this was his chance to ectract revenge on Ahnurr and his first two litters, who Ahnurr loved more than anything else, besides himself. Namiira convinced Lorkhaj to make this new world a place of pain and suffering, where death would come to all kittens born in it.

Lorkhaj tricked many of the other gods into helping him shape the new world, and by doing so binding themselves to it. Some of Fadomai's children realized that they were being tricked by Lorkhaj and escaped to the Eternal Sands, creating holes in the skies, from which bright sands started pouring from, as they did so. So the stars were created, and the Eternal Sands became known as the Sands Behind the Stars. Many of the gods were destroyed while shapng the new world and became the ground and earth of the new world. The others then tried to escape, but found themselves unable to do so. When they had finished shaping the new world they were completely unable to leave it, and many were angy with Lorkhaj. Forgiving Nirni however was not, for she was now able to give birth to many new kittens. But the vengeful gods decided to punish Lorkhaj, and ripped out his heart and tried to use it to create a new world of eternal sands, as Ahnurr had done with Fadmai's heart. But they could not do so, and they therefore threw it across the New World in rage.

But this allowed Lorkhaj to escape his creation, and with Namiira he returned to the Great Darkness. But Lorkhaj and Namiira envied Nirni for having so many children, so they decided to create their own. Lorkhaj and Namiira lay with eachother for many ages, and when they felt it was enough Namiira gave birth to millions of litters, each with millions of kittens in them. This pleased Namiira and Lorkhaj greatly. But these kittens became corrupted by the Great Darkness, and they became the dro-m'Athra. The dro-m'Athra became bent cats, and they were therfore jealous of Nirni's children who lived happily in the New World.

The dro-m'Athra live on in the Great Darkness, forever envious of the Khajiit. Beware of the Bent Cats, for if they catch you they will punish you just as harshly as Lorkhaj once punished his brothers and sisters. Remain faithful to the ja-Kha'jay, respect your elders, and pray that the dro-m'Athra will spare you when they next decide to walk Nirni.