Short Summaries of all Septim Dynasty Emperors and Empresses

Digging through old archives and historical sources, I could find an old Interregnum-era list of pre-Septim Emperors, but none detailing the full Septim Dynasty.

Thus, I have decided to compose my own list, attempting to keep it impartial and as a document of history. If any historian more accomplished than myself finds any error in this list, or something that should be added, they are welcome to contact me at the new Temple building in Plaza Brindisi Dorom of Mournhold.

/Sedras Satheri

Emperor Tiber Septim, 2E854-3E38
Born of Nordic blood and creator of the Third Empire through the Tiber Wars, the first Emperor of the Septim Dynasty has been worshipped as Talos by those following the Nine Divines, until the signing of the White-Gold Concordiat. I could write books about this man alone, but I have promised to keep it short, and so I shall.

Emperor Pelagius Septim I, 3E38-3E41
There is not much to say about the first Pelagius, except he was as good a ruler as his grandfather Tiber, though for a very short time. Pelagius was close with the famous Queen Barenziah of clan Ra'athim, a dynastic bond which surely would later influence Magnus Septim in marrying Katariah Ra'athim to Pelagius Septim III.

Empress Kintyra Septim I, 3E40-3E48
Short and uneventful rule, a time of peace during which the Empire prospered. Daughter of Tiber Septim's brother Agnorith, rather than Tiber or Pelagius themselves.

Emperor Uriel Septim I, 3E48-3E64
Ruled wisely, bringing unity to Tamriel and fostering guild activity throughout the Empire, enacting laws which would last for centuries to come.

Emperor Uriel Septim II, 3E64-3E82
The reign of the second Uriel was plagued by violence and disaster, possibly not of his own fault. He is said to have been too tender and soft for his position.

Emperor Pelagius Septim II, 3E82-3E99
Having inherited a poor and mismanaged Empire, Pelagius II attempted to bring prosperity by dismissing the Elder Council and letting wealthy advisors bribe their way back in. Perhaps this decision is what truly started the decline of the Septim Dynasty.

Emperor Antiochus Septim, 3E99-3E120
While considered a rather decent ruler, Antiochus years as Emperor were filled with civil war and lavish spending. His many wives and mistresses allowed Queen Potema to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his daughter, Kintyra.

Empress Kintyra II, 3E120-3E123
Emperor Uriel Septim III, born Uriel Mantiarcho, 3E123-3E127
Emperor Cephorus I, 3E127-3E140
As Kintyra II was ascending the throne after the death or her father Antiochus, her aunt Queen Potema declared her a bastard. Using connections in High Rock, Skyrim and Morrowind, she launched a rebellion to set her son Uriel on the Ruby Throne.

The War of the Red Diamond lasted for seven years and saw the death of both Empress Kintyra II and Emperor Uriel III. Still, Cephorus I had to spend the first ten years of his rule warring against his sister Potema.

Emperor Magnus Septim, 3E140-3E145
Magnus was the youngest child of Pelagius II and, having fought alongside his childless brother Cephorus I against their sister Potema, inherited the throne after Cephorus' death.

Emperor Pelagius Septim III, 3E145-3E153
Commonly known as Pelagius the Mad, the Breton son of Magnus Septim was plagued by insanity and spent much of his reign locked in asylums. Having anticipated this mental deterioration, Magnus had his son married to the Dunmer woman Katariah Ra'athim (mentioned above, under Pelagius I), who ruled first as Empress Regent and later became Empress after the death of Pelagius III.

Empress Katariah, 3E153-3E200
A Dunmer noblewoman from Ebonheart and related to Queen Barenziah, the Empress Katariah ruled over the Third Empire for nearly fifty years. Being vastly popular among the common people (though not so the nobles), she traveled across Tamriel and rebuilt what had been destroyed by the many civil wars during the decades before her reign.

Emperor Cassynder, 3E200-3E202
With half Dunmeri, half Breton ancestry, Cassynder was old and frail by the time he took the throne, accepting only because he was the last true blood relative of Tiber Septim alive.

Emperor Uriel Septim IV, 3E202-3E247
While Uriel IV was legally a Septim, having been adopted by his half brother Cassynder, his father was not. As the bastard son of the Dunmer Empress Katariah, his long reign was constantly hindered by the wealthy nobles of the Elder Council (see Emperor Pelagius II above).

Emperor Cephorus II, 3E247-3E268
Being more closely related to Tiber Septim's line, Cephorus II was chosen by the Elder Council upon Uriel IV's death, leading to a decade of civil war as large forces declared instead for Uriel IV's son, Andorak Lariat (who was later made King of Shornhelm, where his family still rules).

Emperor Uriel Septim V, 3E268-3E290
Known in his time as the greatest conqueror since Tiber Septim, Uriel V took several islands east of Tamriel and attempted, but failed, to conquer Akavir. He famously died in the Disaster at Ionith.

Emperor Uriel Septim VI, 3E285-3E313
As Uriel VI was only five years old when his father died, his mother Thonica was made Regent until he came of age. Thonica, with the support of the Elder Council, is said to have wanted to keep her position of power even after Uriel VI matured.

However, Uriel VI worked together with his elder half-sister Morihatha and vast spy networks to bring the Elder Council in line, ending their dominance of Imperial politics that had stood since the time of Pelagius II.

Empress Morihatha, 3E313-3E339
Known for her incredible beauty, Morihatha took the throne after Uriel VI died falling off a horse. She completed his work with bringing power back to the Emperor and ruled long and well, using military campaigns to once again bring order to the Third Empire before her reign was ended by an assassin.

Emperor Pelagius IV, 3E339-3E368
Since Empress Morihatha did not have any children of her own, her nephew Pelagius was made Emperor after her. While not as successful as his aunt, he continued her work in bringing stability to the Empire.

Emperor Uriel Septim VII, 3E346-3E433
Ruling with exceptional skill and cunning, Uriel VII made the Empire what it had not been since Tiber Septim himself. However, his trust in Jagar Tharn led to betrayal and his imprisonment in Oblivion for a decade. After being rescued by Queen Barenziah and her Champion, he was a changed man.

He worked closely with the Blades and King Helseth and Queen-Mother Barenziah of Morrowind, bringing about the Miracle of Peace in the west and opening Morrowind and Vvardenfell to Imperial influence in the east. Attempting to establish the Nine Divines as the primary faith even in Morrowind, Uriel supposedly also worked against the ALMSIVI.

Uriel VII was assassinated (along with his true heirs, if true they were) by Daedric cultists at the beginning of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E433. A bastard son, Martin Septim, was found and proclaimed Emperor but never crowned, before dying the very same year, definitely ending the Septim line.