A Clan Orc's Thoughts on the Bretons and the Daggerfall Covenant

By Ulgazor gro-Morkul, priest of Malacath

Bretons are stupid, cowardly weaklings who can't even hold a sword straight. Bretons are also unreliable tricksers who will cast a spell on any "friend" of theirs as soon as they let their guard down. These are undeniable facts that not even Clan Bagrakh and "king" (as if anyone who would take such a title would actually be worty of it) Kurog deny. Kurog and his clan of Elf-loving Trinimac-worshipping half-wits do however believe that the Bretons can actually be friendly if they try hard enough, and that "High King" Emeric of Wayrest is at heart a good man. Of course Kurog is an idiot, as any Orc with a mostly unbroken skull will realize. Has Clan Bagrakh forgotten the sackings of Orsinium carried out by the Bretons? Have they forgotten the first sackings of the first prominent Orcish cities, which stood long before the time of Torug, which were carried out by the Breton's opressive ancestors, the Balfiera Elves, and the Dwarves of Wrothgar? Have they already forgotten the most recent of Orsinium's sackings by the hands of the Rivenspire Bretons? Bretons don't change. Their silken words may change in their attempts to trick and destroy the Orcs and any city or independent nation that we try to establish, but nothing else. The Bretons beneath Emeric are no different from those beneath Joile when he ordered the sacking of Orsinium and the dishonourable execution of King Golkarr. The Bretons are cowards who dare not do anything other than what their masters tell them. Most of the Bretons ideas are just as stupid as those of the Nords. Why should someone rule just because their fathers were rulers? Here in Clan Morkul any Orc can challenge the current Chief for his position. It is the way of Malacath and the only way that makes sense. The strong rule, not those with the finest Elf-blood.

The Bretons where born when the Balfiera Elves took the Nedes of High Rock as concubines. Therefore the Bretons inherited both the stupidity and weakness from Men and the "cunning" aswell as ambitions of domination and opression from Elves. Just as his predecessors Emeric is trying to destroy every trace of an independent Orcish nation forever (which may be for the best, for Malacath favours the Stronghold to the city, but that is besides my point). Emeric is simply using a new tactic. He is trying to trick the Orcs of Wrothgar into feeling secure, so that he can attack and destroy us when we are weakest. I always knew that Korug was a fool, but I never would have though that any Orc could fall for such obvious lies. By signing Emeric's "Daggerfall Covenant" Kurog has doomed both Orsinium and the Orcs of Wrothgar. History will repeat itself and Kurog will soon find himself in Golkarr's shoes. The Clans will survive, if Malacath wills it, but only barely. All that we can do to prevent that is to strike at them before they strike at us. We must convince the clans still loyal to Malacath and the Code to march on Wayrest and make the Bretons feel what the Orcs have felt for all of their long history. We will paint the streets of Wayrest red with Breton blood, and show the Bretons the meaning of the Grudge.

You may pray to Malacath for strength when the day that you must take that fight comes, but know that Malacath cannot give it. Malacath only offers the challenge, and makes you remember the word that is ingrained in every Orc's skull:
