Vivec's Word-Meeting With The Black Door

Long ago in the land of Morrowind, a splinter zealotry of the proud Morag Tong broke off in heresy of their holy mission of murder. They set aside their Black-Handed Mother, to grab out with with Greedy-Hands. Vivec, driven by the Codes of Mephala, one day found himself on the threshold of their only Sanctuary, knowing he must stop the misguided entropy the sect worshiped... that only caused his people to diverge too far from Enlightened Shapes.


The Black Door asks, "What is the color of night?"

>Vivec answers, "Seht, my Brothers. I float above his bled Sanguine void. "

The Black Door asks, "What is the music of life?"

>Vivec answers, "Betrayal, my Brothers. It was the first song we all still humm."

The Black Door asks, "What is life's greatest illusion?"

>Vivec answers, "Aurbis, my Brothers. There is no Innocence, as we all are guilty of self murder."

The Black Door asks, "What is the flavor of fear?"

>Vivec answers, "Sublime Dust, my Brothers. The moths bring taste to my provision near the Two-headed Imperfect"

The Black Door asks, "What is the gift of death?"

>Vivec answers, "Solace in life anew, my Brothers. But only those remade of the high-star-splendor shall remember that we've been here before."


Vivec asks, "What is the night of color?"

>The Black Door answers, "Dawn, my Brother. We are not worthy... Dawn sets on the night of our birth."

Vivec asks, "What is the life of music?"

>The Black Door answers, "Change, my Brother. We are not worthy.... Change whirls the disc of us."

Vivec asks, "What is the fear of flavor?"

>The Black Door answers, "Stasis, my Brother. We are not worthy... Before Change, we were all tasteless."

Vivec asks, "What is the death of gifts?"

>The Black Door answers, "Freedom, my Brother. We are not worthy... Unshackled to become a new Void again."

Vivec asks, "And who is your Dread Father?"

>The Black Door answers, "Sithis, my Brother. We are not worthy... He is the start of our House."

Vivec says, "Nice try, AGAIN!"

>The Black Door answers, "SITHISIT, my Brother. We are not worthy..."

Vivec declares, "Aye, (SI)THIS(IT). But you are wrong, as you misheard his True Name Statement. I'll tell you his secret first syllable, it is that of "IS"... Your Misfollowed Father's True Name Is... 'IS-THIS-IT?!!!' Face the Terror of Your Folly!"

>The Black Door answers, "WE ARE NOT WORTHY..!"

Vivec asks, "And now Dark Brothers, what shall you call ME?!"

>The Black Door answers, "Mother..."


Afterwards, the Dark Brotherhood would no longer trouble any of the Velothi on their home soil. And too, the Black Doors no longer would ask or answer to anyone, save for their new Dark Mother.