Azura - Queen of Dusk and Dawn - Her demesne is Possibility

Whether something exists in a state of stasis or change is entirely dependent on the Possibility of either. As ever, mortal perception views these two as zero-sum categories: stasis as rest, security, safety – change as disruption, violence, and fear. Such a view is false, the mere labelling of particular phenomena viewed through an ideological window. Rather – Possibility, the Gray Maybe, allows movement (or not) within the greater schema of which stasis and change are only two of many Possibilities. It is by preserving these Possibilities that progress, regress, evolution, devolution, transcendence, imminence, wisdom or folly may occur, thereby enriching and effoliating the Aurbis.

The one who serves Possibility, then, transcends the archetypal narratives of Rebel and King as he (or she) may be either, both, neither or Other.

Here is a mystery: Possibility is Dusk and Dawn, the demesne of Azura. For Azura is the Witness to Possibility – the Twilight of Chrysalis, the Night of Transmogrification and the Dawn of Birth and Rebirth. In this way is She the Mother of the Red Moment, the Mother of the Rose.

Possibility, as an eternal Now, emerges from the confluence of Past, Present, and what May Yet Be. That is to say it is both Guardian of Memory and Prophet of Futurity; but also: Steward of Anamnesis. This is the truth of the Prophet of Azura. For progress into the Yet to Be is oft hindered by the Memory of what Was – or what is Thought to have Been. Thus, Future and Past exist, in the Now, within an enatiomorphic strain and from this conflict rises bloodshed unendurable. Yet Possibility maintains both, seeking Knowledge. This is achieved through the proper forms of Anamnesis – Remembrance – for only by an accurate accounting of Memory can one behold the unitive symbiosis of Past, Present and Future. For the Aurbis is a line of temporal eternity, a Story of Beginnings, Endings and Recapitulations; among the Wise this is known as the love of God.

Thus must the Prophet of Azura, Catalyst and Protector of Possibility, transcend the limitations of Time and Place, embracing the All. Only in this way may Possibility be maintained and nurtured. Only in this way may the love of God, Who dreams in eternal hypnogogia, manifest in the Aurbic Wheel.