Manifesto of the Blacksap Movement

By Camoran Lorchon, Blacksap rebel

We are the Blacksaps. You have surely heard of us, be it from a friend or from Dominion propaganda. From what you have heard you have certanly also formed an opinion about us. I do not write this manifesto with the main intention of recruiting new members, instead I write it to explain why we fight and what we fight for. The Dominion and the brutal monarch "King" Camoran Aeradan portay us as nothing but bloodthirsty murderers who only want to bring chaos and instability to the Valenwood. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I hope to be able to explain what we truly stand for with this manifesto. Citizen of Grahtwood, you need not ally with us, we are not bloodthirsty killers who will slay you if you do not join us. All that we demand is that you understand us, and when the day comes does not stand in our way. Below is the truth about the Blacksap movement, which you will find to be very far from the Dominion's propaganda.

First and foremost we want to throw the cruel and unjust ruler Camoran Aeradan from his throne and force him to face the consequences of his crimes. For a long time has he persecuted and opressed the innocent people of the Valenwood who want nothing other than to follow the Green Pact. The Dominion and the Vinedusk assassins have long tried to silence this fact, but the dozens of bodies that the Vinedusks tried to hide in the Middens beneath Elden Root did not go unnoticed by any of the beggars and skooma addicts that live there. You have surely heard what happened to them when they tried to tell the guards about it. They were killed openly on the streets and thrown into the Middens along with other "criminals". Aeradan needs to be removed from the throne and the Camoran dynasty needs to be abolished for lasting peace in Grahtwood to be created. One might think that it strange that a Camoran talks about abolishing the rule of his own family, but my father Gelthior saw the injustices with his own eyes and he created the Blacksap movement to counter it. After my father's disappearance I and my brother Gorinir lead the Blacksap movement. Do not see that as a sign that we plan to take the crown after Aedradan's defeat, for our ultimat goal is to restore power to all Pact-loyal Bosmer of the Valenwood. Was it not to be free from monarchs that our ancestors originally left Summerset?

We also want the Valenwood to be free from Altmeri rule. The Valenwood needs to become independent from the Dominion as soon as possible if we do not want the Altmer to do to the entire Valenwood what they did to the area that Marbruk now stands on top of. The Altmer want nothing more than to destroy and opress the Bosmeri people and our Forest, as they showed during the Massacre at Cormount. The Jade Butcher may be dead, but many more will come to plague the Valenwood if we do not break free from Queen Ayrenn's grasp soon. When we have broken free from the Dominion we must reclaim the areas of Reaper's March that the Khajiit have stolen from us. Fort Sphinxmoth belongs to the Bosmer and we do not care if the Imperials or Cat-folk says otherwise. If we control Fort Sphinxmoth we can ensure that Dominion troops cannot enter southwestern Cyrodiil, which would eventually force the Dominion out of the Alliance War, finally bringing peace to southern Tamriel.

The Bosmer shall return to living properly according to the Green Pact, and not even the Altmer will dare to question the independence of a united Valenwood ruled by its people. You do not have to join us, but our day will come and Valenwood will once again be ruled by the Bosmer. This is what the Blacksap rebellion stands for, and we will fight to the death to get what we want. Long live the Valenwood, down with the Dominion!