On The Importance of Being Vigilant

Just typed this today, english isn't my first language so I'm sure there are mistakes.

On The Importance of Being Vigilant

By Vigilant Gueric

Brothers and sisters,

The recent loss and tragedy of Skyrim’s chapter remind us of constant struggle and danger Vigilants face on their path of endless crusade against evil. Two hundred years after its founding, the Vigil confronts its greatest crisis, both worldly and spiritual, and a need for Stendarr’s Blessing and guidance of His comforting Light in these dark days has never been more desperate.

The Grand Keeper wants to reassure all those whose faith is shaken by recent events that the Vigil will grow ever stronger and Skyrim’s chapter will be reestablished accordingly to Stendarr’s will. New Keeper has already been reassigned and is ready to lead a new group in the northern province, currently stationed at the Beacon. Thus, this letter serves as a reminder to all brothers and sisters across Tamriel to remain faithful and vigilant.

It seems that many have forgotten our purpose and origin. This, of course, is not surprising for we mortals are all so eager to forget and forgive in our child-like naivety and boundless mercy gifted by our Beloved Stendarr. Yet, our enemy is legion and persistent, always ready to strike and extinguish our light. For this reason, The Grand Keeper wanted to remind us all about our holy mission and ancient tradition, so we may never stray from our path.

The Vigil was founded after the Oblivion Crisis as a necessity and reaction against the abomination which endangered the life and existence of all mortals. We need not remind of all the horror and destruction caused by the group of reckless daedra worshippers known as the Mythic Dawn. Following the great Battle of the Imperial City and banishing of Dagon by an Avatar of Akatosh, hordes of daedra remained stuck in our mortal plane causing chaos and suffering wherever they appeared. Not to mention nests of vile daedra worshippers scattered across our once peaceful lands, performing their heretical rites against all that is holy and just. Organized groups of good-hearted, ordinary citizens, sometimes led by more experienced soldiers, went forth in order to root these heretics out, demanding justice for the suffering they caused. These brave people, simply called the Vigilants, tirelessly scouted the vast regions in order to banish all daedra from mortal realm. They travelled from town to town as nomads, depending on the charity and good will of their folk, often leaving homes and families behind. Priests of Stendarr displayed a special interest in aiding the Vigilants, recognizing in them a true Blessing of Stendarr Himself. They provided them with blessings and shelter, trained them in the arts of Restoration and Alteration, arcane schools dear to Stendarr. Surviving knights of Stendarr joined and trained the Vigilants as well, specializing them in combat against the dangerous daedra worshippers often versed in various black arts of Conjuration.

Under this tutorship of Stendarr’s priesthood and knighthood, Vigilants became known as Vigilants of Stendarr, champions of Justice and Righteousness. They established the Order in Chorrol under the leadership of Stendarr's priesthood and led the fight against all abomination, continuing the ancient tradition of Resolutes, knights and crusaders of Stendarr who were battling the same enemy as we do for a thousand years. In this light we see how Vigilants aren’t ’’modern fanatics’’ as some say but holy warriors rooted in ancient tradition of Stendarr’s priesthood, older than Oblivion Crisis.

Recently there were also rumors about the so called ’’fanaticism’’ of the Vigil. They are spread by those who don’t remember or are unaware of the danger that daedra represents to all mortals. The ’’good’’ daedra they speak of are nothing but vile entities blinded by will to power and domination, seeing mortals as mere toys of their temporary amusement. The daedra cannot and will not view mortals in the same light as us or the Aedra, nor show any respect for the sacredness of mortal lives. They are world-denying abominations who pollute the minds of our children with illusions and lies, only to be taken by the daedra and trapped for all eternity in one of their oblivion realms as mere slaves and pets. The Grand Keeper also reminds all Keepers to remain watchful for any sign of this heretical teaching among their group and act immediately upon its eventual discovery. All daedra apologists need to be taken care of before their lies cause any more damage. In addition to this, we are informed of a group of vampire hunters called Dawnguard founded by an ex-Vigilant Isran, a person excommunicated from our Order due to his extreme and violent methods of dealing with the undead more suitable for honoring Meridia than Stendarr. Any acquaintance with the Dawnguard will result in suspension from the Order.

’’Good’’ daedra inebriates the minds of mortals with their promise of power and through the mellifluous ways of instant gratification offer an easy solution to all worldly problems, making them irresistible for the weak-minded. The illusion of their supposed benevolence or neutrality in regard to mortal affairs is a trap in which, sadly, many have fallen. Daedric sin lies in the collective privation of mercy and justice and tyrannical view towards mortal life, thus they should always be seen as a unilateral force of evil, regardless of any outer difference among specific daedric lord which is nothing but trivial. Brothers and sisters, this is why it’s so important to tirelessly spread the words of truth to all children of Stendarr and fill their eyes with nothing but His light.

Who is this ’’good’’ daedra anyways? Meridia, the exiled one? Her blinding hatred and one-dimensionality is antagonistic to the mercy and forbearance of Stendarr’s children. We exist through love and self-sacrifice, Meridia only through hate.

And what about the prince of Dusk and Dawn? Azura cursed and then betrayed her children, allowing only a handful of Dunmer to escape the daedra infected island of Vvardenfell destroyed by the Baar Dau, a gift of Sheogorath, and yet some have the arrogance of calling her ’’caring and loving’’. So caring, as a matter of fact, that gates of her realm, Moonshadow remain permanently closed, even to the most faithful ones!

Brothers and sisters, with daedra there is no hope or future but only death and eternal suffering. We are witnessing the awakening of large numbers of surviving Dunmer population willingly join the ranks of Divine priesthoods, with growing number of Dunmer Vigilants in Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Azura is a prince of Dusk and Dawn, in other words of obscurity and ambiguity; Stendarr is a God of Light and Mercy, of clarity and wakeness. Witness the All-Pervading Mercy of Stendarr, who welcomes the cursed Dunmer, abandoned by his degenerate living idols posing as gods, tyrannical daedric overlords and false heroes!

We, members of the Vigil, feel that the less said about the daedra, the better. We should not pollute our minds and misuse our tongues with their foul names, but keep ourselves clean and pure in front of our Father. Let their actions speak for themselves. We will remain perseverant, steadfast and ever watchful, providing healing and justice to all.

In remembrance of our fallen sister Keeper Carcette, may Stendarr grant Mercy to her soul.

None escape the Vigil. All come into the light.