On the Ayleid Realms: One Final Thing...
It has been a long time, and for that you have my apologies. Rest assured the work has gone forward, though conditions have been harsh. We have been through ruins with still active temporal or daedric anomalies. We have seen crystalline libraries cracked and scattered in watery caverns. We have uncovered the hidden grave of thousands secreted away beneath the realm of one cannibal lord. We have seen a massive, collapsed volcanic fissure from which dozens of statues of fluid metal hung above the precipice by crumbling ruins.
Drank of the myriad gardens of Mathrael and his famed liquor panoply, spoken with the sphinxes of northern Elsweyr.
We have stood witness to the realm erased in the wrath of Umaril. We have fled from the chimeric aberrations of Yielievalia and her alchemical fascinations. We have spoken and traded with daedra leisure troupes, remnants of those summoned by the Ayleid We have walked the ashes of the black Mackamentain and uncovered the devastation.
There are many, many notes to go over, scrawled in haste for fear of losing the next second rather than the last drop of ink. Someday, perhaps, I shall be able to tell the tales in full, in my own words. Until then, my aides will ably relay the information we have gathered.
It has been a long, harrowing journey. For it we are wiser, stronger, and yet, unfortunately, fewer. Many litter the road to knowledge, and the pages we possess are soaked in their blood, in some cases literally. Information has also been found on my distant parent in Ayleidoon, and while this has been an enlightening journey, I realize I have my own ruins to salvage.
You have my gratitude for supporting us throughout this damned venture, my lady. And I will keep your secret.
I only wish things might have turned out... less grim. I miss seeing the light in the day, or feeling the warmth of a smile.
Nonetheless, we chose to pursue this ourselves, and we paid for what we have learned, and gained. For indeed we have, in no small quantity. I wish I could say that all Ayleid were the horrible monsters we were told tales of as a child, but not so. Many of them were, and indeed their power allowed them a greater ability to introduce despair to our dreams, but then the reverse was also true. Some still live, beside, amongst, away with the wild elves, drawn to their kin despite the changes suffering has brought them, and isolation has brought them wisdom, perspective and kindness. Some, though, still have a love of playing tricks upon woodland wanderers.
Now, here, in the imperial city, we make our final few searches, uncovering what few locked vaults remained and viewing previously quarantined material under the most helpful supervision of palace officials.
As for one of your original reasons for setting us on this task, what provoked the civil war. I confess we do not have a satisfying answer yet. What I can tell you is that Umaril deliberately sparked its creation. The why remains a mystery.
Another curious piece of information we've found here states that the collection of elder scrolls in the Imperial City had been started by Umaril, originally sought after for a cult to a certain blue star.
We are still piecing together the information, but for now I shall leave you with this text. It was particularly difficult to obtain and seems to be an oath-poem, recited daily at morn by Umaril himself before he would cleave the first sacrifice on each of the sixteen altars around the city in what we understand to be a most legendary rage.
I must warn you, though I have enclosed both the Ayleid and Tamrielic versions, you MUST NOT READ the Ayleid version out loud. We lost another member, Haerach, for that very reason. The second he finished it his skin began to split and tear and transmute towards a golden color, his bones splintering and jutting out in ornate spikes. He was out of his mind and raving in Ayleidoon in mere seconds and had to be put down.
Until the next time, maybe.
I bid you farewell.
As magna ye kyndia
Wela hecta ye nou atai
An dena epele bisia
Resnia ipole oudais ald
Eda ipole haelia merise
Ye yandshanta nou mara as tam.
Va alata pado, ne rias loria ye sepredia cava
Nirn emerabe va molia vaermale ne nava.
Nela rou bala sila, nagaiane gaiai ipole,
ye nela relleis varlae cyrole
Ipole as para rye shanta ye sa yandshanta,
As epea cuia ye epe nemala
Galne nemalatuis av alasili mala
As rou arpa ne loriale av anu u vasha,
Rou karrais sijine ipole emeratuis.
Para ada, atangua nemalatale
Cyronen veand arpen av atangua
Rou epeglathi as ipole epele
Sa trumbia, sa aperiale,
Mara actane rye donale rou bauna
Ne haele va yandcana asperima,
Gandra afrele va glathi nirima
Av an nirnasperia gebalima va magicka
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Nagaiale va anyammis ye va bala baune
Rye anda wendale ry racudiil ilpendale
Av tari silabellais ye arcancorima veais
Nala neshanta as alasil av riel suna
Rye ayleis av kyndiand silale
Tarcora av molakyne twylattia
Rou julis fratne, rou epe nemalatune,
An nirn va julia marale oia
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Welanangua goria va padnia cyrodiile
Balabaune av mara ye herma colema
Rou han sila va epe ada,
Namalo enantarima av rella molage
Epe mane ne haeliane
Av an abamara ne arctarima
Loro molagale scale enantia.
Rye glathi cagle lork fratalle
Vashavia arctale as wenasi pellane,
Ye wisyle va bella av lorkia
Rou cacanda rye coupale,
Rou ledyara rye caprale
Coupa as coupa
Loro parle atangua nemala
Ye loro coupale yando,
Rou glanengebia nengale rias
orisnen bala, an ouda colema,
An mura caprarima av ne resnima
Rou bala fariale tuma geyna
Nebala ye avshirima, shirima av rou pasna
nagaiane rou murais kinarale
Ry vabria vashe cullale rye ipole
Wela vashe sith parabe
Jurais melise av denais rifta
Emera va nemalatu diilo arctenima
Spatima av an para man nagaiale av ne
manova rye cousiane av abamara
Rye ossi varlae negoriale
enantale av rou corpra nebala ye goria
Ye sa fariabe nemala, orisingua avatane,
Rou molag arcane va mnem oio
Ley mala, an veveca suna
Wend marca, mano ada cyrole
An dena arctale en nagaiais ehlno
Ouda en anima bidima av oia
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Asva la sornlorima, ye kinari colema
Clatiangua pellan amangua gaiale
Ye sa epele av rou sapra colemae
Yandcan orisnenima av nagaia atae
Sivanye meringua staniale trumb
Arctan av clatia, herma naril atae
Waria nale anda, as arcta avsa ne ilpen
Rias an nejoria shantale, nu nenale av cel yandepima
Va kynde fal ye thrasi falima
Nu parle diilis atanguae
Rine ouda fariale va colema
Ne oudiale nou maluna autaracule
Rye parle rou colema ye parle ne resnia
Va an diil mano mara ne anyammisa lama ne buro
En canvabria ye kyne ayuma,
Nu nenale wend av merid vasha
Ye alata bala silale aha
Nou wend aba, an magne-ge,
Sila kanane rye malawelena angale
Alasila capria pado an tam
Hecuwela av rine ipole
Aba haelia ye resnia adalatta ipole
Hermais wolima ye cyronen molaga
Nu nenale barra va alata aurie
O Merid, oudada man kinara,
Nela kinarya cele ne na
An aldena, jurale as cyronen ye kanane
As veais ipole ye an welkynd,
Ipole caprais resniale, yandfaria tor vaulane
O Merid enantaresnima,
Maramalatu yandmalale
Numanale an ayleis,
Av rou cyrod akele
Yandcana bisia va rou diil.
Ne gaia av loya pado
Ye epe lama ada ne epene
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Va cyrod cyrodiile, nou animais burole,
As var ouda ye faria
As ceye enantia va diilo yando
Av ipole asva mantella ipole marcais tare
Na marcais as ipole entantia.
As kynd mantia malale,
Varla-mallari, cyrod av nen magne
Mantia av faria imperia
padhome-molaga ye fad av ipole leyis
Welkynd rella av relleis embale,
Varlabaloia resnia ry rou orn berane
Pica as pica marale,
Yancana emero av mala mundae
Para marcais naril garla
animand av chim varlae
Bisia cyrod, bisia teldia
Welale av suca suna kyndia
Av akele as wel akae
Ye as anima para rou animais marale
Rye ald rapona va malatu rielable
Anima faria enantiangua
Lorki pellane lorka rou marcais
Emeratu colema av rou kyneis naril
Signi sithe ouda rou sine
Rias clatia arane mitta rou anima
Silyanorn av rou ata malata
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Bisia wend ry rou nane pado
Et na an burodan nirnosse
Steva na an marale rella mermeldi
Para na an crepa enantia, herma av ipole wendi.
Nou cano resniale ye oio caprale,
Ipole dena argale ye nemala humiale
Nirn av padhome rellene, prane oia
Nagaia av dibela ye colema
Av para fariabe ipolela vathna pelo
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Rou orisia na angua ye angua na rou
Tamnuche na Tamnuada
Et ye Ne
Tamnuche na Tamnuada