Excerpt from the minutes of the "Skywatch Concerned Citizens" meeting, 12 Frostfall 2E 583

"Moving on to the next item... ughhhh, citizen Cosha Thormal has the floor."

"When is the glamour coming down?"

"Listen Cosha, you have brought this up at every single meeting for the last year. For the last time: I. Do. Not. Know."

"Well there's no need to get snippy! It just seems logical to me that our esteemed council member would be privy to information forbidden to us lowly peons."

"You, all of you, have my word. If Queen Aryenn sends a message, any message, about the glamour, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Can you ask her?"

"Who said that!?"

"Sorry, here in the back. Hi! Name's Saulus. I run the alteration compositor. Or, well, I used to. It's turned into a kind of, black-smithy thing."

"I'll grant you the floor but you'd better have a point."

"Well, not to be impudent, but, maybe you could send a letter to her asking if the glamour could be dropped? I don't think she really gets how bad things are down here. I've had to fetch my own water for a year! Just to keep a bunch of foreigners in the dark! That bucket is fully capable of walking itself to the well, and don't you think it doesn't know it! I swear to the gods it's laughing at me when I turn my back."

"Truly your suffering is an inspiration to us all. But the emissaries have made it very clear: the risk of spies is too high. And I'm not just talking about some Daggerfall or Pact pigs. Even our allies would cart our secrets off to the mainland in a hearbeat."

"Can we at least have our old houses back?"

"Oh for the love of - who now?"

"You know damn well who I am! The Joral family manor used to have a wide view of the bay through a window of dragon fly wings and pickled moonlight. Now? I have stone wall. That's my reward at the end of the day: a big fucking stone wall."

"ENOUGH! I don't care if you lost your windows. I don't care if you had to send all your goblins to a pocket plane. I especially don't care (looking at you!) if you can't let your summoned nymphs carry you to the market in a palanquin. 'Stone. Wood. Unremarkable.' Those are our instructions. Until I hear anything else I am banning this as a point of discussion.

Moving on. There appears to be some confusion on flowerbeds..."